Live photos of Songhu Battle Battlefield in Shanghai in 1937

The live photos of Songhu battle field in Shanghai in 1937

The Battle of Songhu started on August 13, 1937. After the Lugouqiao Incident, Chiang Kai shek took the initiative to fight back in Shanghai in order to change the direction of the Japanese invasion from north to south to east to west, so as to facilitate the long-term war. A total of about 1 million Chinese and Japanese troops were engaged in the battle. The battle itself lasted for three months. The Japanese army invested more than 200000 people in eight divisions and two brigades, and announced more than 40000 deaths and injuries; The Chinese army has invested more than 800000 people in the most elite central teaching corps, 87 divisions, 88 divisions, 148 divisions and 62 brigades, and has counted 300000 casualties



图片[1]-Live photos of Songhu Battle Battlefield in Shanghai in 1937-China Archive

图片[2]-Live photos of Songhu Battle Battlefield in Shanghai in 1937-China Archive

图片[3]-Live photos of Songhu Battle Battlefield in Shanghai in 1937-China Archive

图片[4]-Live photos of Songhu Battle Battlefield in Shanghai in 1937-China Archive

图片[5]-Live photos of Songhu Battle Battlefield in Shanghai in 1937-China Archive

图片[6]-Live photos of Songhu Battle Battlefield in Shanghai in 1937-China Archive

图片[7]-Live photos of Songhu Battle Battlefield in Shanghai in 1937-China Archive

图片[8]-Live photos of Songhu Battle Battlefield in Shanghai in 1937-China Archive

图片[9]-Live photos of Songhu Battle Battlefield in Shanghai in 1937-China Archive

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