Scenery photos of Guilin, Guangxi in 1920s

This group of photos of Guilin, Guangxi, in 1920s were collected by the Bannister family on the website of Bristol University in the United Kingdom. The approximate age may be around 1920

We have sent a group of&nbspThe old photos of people’s lives in Guilin in 1920s, please move on if you haven’t seen them yet.

English introduction to this group of photos:

TheRt. Rev. William Banister, DD (1855-1928) servedwiththeChurchMissionarySocietyinFujianprovince.& nbsp; BanisterlaterbecametheArchdeaconofHongKong,andfrom1908untilhisretirementin1923hewasBishopofKwangsi-Hunan.& nbsp; TheBanisterFamilyCollectionincludesphotographsonceownedbyWilliamBanister' sson-in-law,NormanLockhartSmith(1887-1968).& nbsp; LockhartSmithwasacolonialofficialinHongKong,andin1936-41servedasColonialSecretary.Thephotographsdatefromthe1890stothe1920s.& nbsp; 658imagesfromsevenalbums(HPCrefs:Ba01,Ba02,Ba03,Ba04,Ba05,Ba06,andBa07),andlooseprints(HPCref:Ba-s).

My English is not good, so I tried to translate it with Google:
Rt。 Revd。 William· Bannister, DD (1855-1928) served in Fujian Provincial Church Missionary Association. Bannister later became the vice bishop of Hong Kong. He retired from 1908 to 1923. He was the bishop of Guangxi and Hunan. BanisterFamilyCollection includes William· Norman·, Bannister’s son-in-law; Lockhart· Photographs owned by Norman Lockhart Smith (1887-1968). Lockhart Smith was a colonial official in Hong Kong and served as colonial secretary from 1936 to 1941. The history of these photos can be traced back to the 1890s and 1920s. 658 images and loose photos (HPCref: Ba-s) from seven albums (HPCrefs: Ba01, Ba02, Ba03, Ba04, Ba05, Ba06 and Ba07)

I would like to ask for a better English translation. Thank you again

The following is a preview of 43 photos of this group:

本组1920年代 广西桂林风光照来源英国布里斯托尔大学网站 由班尼斯特 家族收藏,大概的年代可能为1920年上下。

之前我们已经发过一组 1920年代桂林地区百姓生活老照片 ,还没有看过的朋友请移步。


Banister Family Collection


The Rt. Revd. William Banister, DD (1855-1928) served with the Church Missionary Society in Fujian province.  Banister later became the Archdeacon of Hong Kong, and from 1908 until his retirement in 1923 he was Bishop of Kwangsi-Hunan.  The Banister Family Collection includes photographs once owned by William Banister's son-in-law, Norman Lockhart Smith (1887-1968).  Lockhart Smith was a colonial official in Hong Kong, and in 1936-41 served as Colonial Secretary. The photographs date from the 1890s to the 1920s.  658 images from seven albums (HPC refs: Ba01, Ba02, Ba03, Ba04, Ba05, Ba06, and Ba07), and loose prints (HPC ref: Ba-s).



Rt。Revd。 威廉·班尼斯特,DD(1855-1928)在福建省教会传教会服务。 班尼斯特后来成为香港的副主教,从1908年到1923年退休,他是广西湖南的主教。 Banister Family Collection包括威廉·班尼斯特的女婿诺曼·洛克哈特·史密斯(Norman Lockhart Smith,1887-1968)所拥有的照片。 洛克哈特史密斯是香港的殖民地官员,并于1936年至1941年担任殖民地秘书。 这些照片的历史可以追溯到19世纪90年代到20世纪20年代。 来自七张专辑(HPC refs:Ba01,Ba02,Ba03,Ba04,Ba05,Ba06和Ba07)的658张图像和松散的照片(HPC ref:Ba-s)。



图片[1]-Scenery photos of Guilin, Guangxi in 1920s-China Archive

图片[2]-Scenery photos of Guilin, Guangxi in 1920s-China Archive

图片[3]-Scenery photos of Guilin, Guangxi in 1920s-China Archive

图片[4]-Scenery photos of Guilin, Guangxi in 1920s-China Archive

图片[5]-Scenery photos of Guilin, Guangxi in 1920s-China Archive

图片[6]-Scenery photos of Guilin, Guangxi in 1920s-China Archive

图片[7]-Scenery photos of Guilin, Guangxi in 1920s-China Archive

图片[8]-Scenery photos of Guilin, Guangxi in 1920s-China Archive

图片[9]-Scenery photos of Guilin, Guangxi in 1920s-China Archive

图片[10]-Scenery photos of Guilin, Guangxi in 1920s-China Archive

图片[11]-Scenery photos of Guilin, Guangxi in 1920s-China Archive

图片[12]-Scenery photos of Guilin, Guangxi in 1920s-China Archive

图片[13]-Scenery photos of Guilin, Guangxi in 1920s-China Archive

图片[14]-Scenery photos of Guilin, Guangxi in 1920s-China Archive

图片[15]-Scenery photos of Guilin, Guangxi in 1920s-China Archive

图片[16]-Scenery photos of Guilin, Guangxi in 1920s-China Archive

图片[17]-Scenery photos of Guilin, Guangxi in 1920s-China Archive

图片[18]-Scenery photos of Guilin, Guangxi in 1920s-China Archive

图片[19]-Scenery photos of Guilin, Guangxi in 1920s-China Archive

图片[20]-Scenery photos of Guilin, Guangxi in 1920s-China Archive

图片[21]-Scenery photos of Guilin, Guangxi in 1920s-China Archive

图片[22]-Scenery photos of Guilin, Guangxi in 1920s-China Archive

图片[23]-Scenery photos of Guilin, Guangxi in 1920s-China Archive

图片[24]-Scenery photos of Guilin, Guangxi in 1920s-China Archive

图片[25]-Scenery photos of Guilin, Guangxi in 1920s-China Archive

图片[26]-Scenery photos of Guilin, Guangxi in 1920s-China Archive

图片[27]-Scenery photos of Guilin, Guangxi in 1920s-China Archive

图片[28]-Scenery photos of Guilin, Guangxi in 1920s-China Archive

图片[29]-Scenery photos of Guilin, Guangxi in 1920s-China Archive

图片[30]-Scenery photos of Guilin, Guangxi in 1920s-China Archive

图片[31]-Scenery photos of Guilin, Guangxi in 1920s-China Archive

图片[32]-Scenery photos of Guilin, Guangxi in 1920s-China Archive

图片[33]-Scenery photos of Guilin, Guangxi in 1920s-China Archive

图片[34]-Scenery photos of Guilin, Guangxi in 1920s-China Archive

图片[35]-Scenery photos of Guilin, Guangxi in 1920s-China Archive

图片[36]-Scenery photos of Guilin, Guangxi in 1920s-China Archive

图片[37]-Scenery photos of Guilin, Guangxi in 1920s-China Archive

图片[38]-Scenery photos of Guilin, Guangxi in 1920s-China Archive

图片[39]-Scenery photos of Guilin, Guangxi in 1920s-China Archive

图片[40]-Scenery photos of Guilin, Guangxi in 1920s-China Archive

图片[41]-Scenery photos of Guilin, Guangxi in 1920s-China Archive

图片[42]-Scenery photos of Guilin, Guangxi in 1920s-China Archive

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