Old photos of the famous ship “Zhongshan Ship” in modern Chinese history

Famous Ship of Modern Chinese History~Zhongshan Ship

" Zhongshan; Ship’s original name" Yongfeng", She can be said to be the most famous warship in modern Chinese history, which is related to many historical turning points and has the strongest political flavor. Finally, she ended her life with a heroic figure. Because she was too symbolic, she was later salvaged for renovation and display. In contrast, her sister ship, quot; Yongxiang; But it was much bleak. He even worked in the Wang puppet navy for a period of time; Traitor; Ship

中国近代史名舰 ~中山舰 

"中山"舰原名"永丰", 她可说是中国近代史上最出名, 与诸多历史转折点有关, 政治味也最浓的一艘军舰, 最后还以壮烈的身影结束生命. 就由于她太具象徵意义了, 所以后来还被打捞出水整修展示. 反观她的姐妹 舰"永翔"可就暗淡多了, 甚至还在汪伪海军做过一段时间"汉奸"舰!

图片[1]-Old photos of the famous ship “Zhongshan Ship” in modern Chinese history-China Archive 
"永丰"舰, 由舰艏的青天白日党徽知道是在广州时代.

图片[2]-Old photos of the famous ship “Zhongshan Ship” in modern Chinese history-China Archive 

图片[3]-Old photos of the famous ship “Zhongshan Ship” in modern Chinese history-China Archive 

图片[4]-Old photos of the famous ship “Zhongshan Ship” in modern Chinese history-China Archive 

图片[5]-Old photos of the famous ship “Zhongshan Ship” in modern Chinese history-China Archive 

图片[6]-Old photos of the famous ship “Zhongshan Ship” in modern Chinese history-China Archive 

图片[7]-Old photos of the famous ship “Zhongshan Ship” in modern Chinese history-China Archive 

图片[8]-Old photos of the famous ship “Zhongshan Ship” in modern Chinese history-China Archive 

图片[9]-Old photos of the famous ship “Zhongshan Ship” in modern Chinese history-China Archive 

图片[10]-Old photos of the famous ship “Zhongshan Ship” in modern Chinese history-China Archive 
"永丰"舰停泊于珠江上, 前方烟囱有鹰架的是一艘"楚"字号, 后方那艘即为 "永丰"舰, 更远方可隐约见到数艘日本的驱逐舰.

图片[11]-Old photos of the famous ship “Zhongshan Ship” in modern Chinese history-China Archive 
1923年八月十二日广州蒙难周年纪念, 国父孙中山先生在"永丰"舰上的主砲塔前与官兵合影, 旁立之女仕为宋庆龄.

图片[12]-Old photos of the famous ship “Zhongshan Ship” in modern Chinese history-China Archive 

图片[13]-Old photos of the famous ship “Zhongshan Ship” in modern Chinese history-China Archive 

图片[14]-Old photos of the famous ship “Zhongshan Ship” in modern Chinese history-China Archive 

图片[15]-Old photos of the famous ship “Zhongshan Ship” in modern Chinese history-China Archive 

图片[16]-Old photos of the famous ship “Zhongshan Ship” in modern Chinese history-China Archive 
"永翔"舰于1957年公佈的照片, 时当八二三砲战前夕, 当时的永翔舰已四十四岁高龄了.

图片[17]-Old photos of the famous ship “Zhongshan Ship” in modern Chinese history-China Archive 
江南造船厂仿"永丰"级建造的"永健"舰, 外观与"永丰"级不同之处在于有尾楼.

图片[18]-Old photos of the famous ship “Zhongshan Ship” in modern Chinese history-China Archive 

图片[19]-Old photos of the famous ship “Zhongshan Ship” in modern Chinese history-China Archive 
"永健"舰于1921年的照片, 可清楚看到旧式军舰特有设在舰尾的大型备用舵轮.

图片[20]-Old photos of the famous ship “Zhongshan Ship” in modern Chinese history-China Archive
江南造船厂仿"永丰"级建造的"永绩"舰, 本舰在抗战时成为汪精卫政权海军训练舰"海兴"号.

图片[21]-Old photos of the famous ship “Zhongshan Ship” in modern Chinese history-China Archive 
"永绩"舰战后为国民政府收回, 1949年历经国民党第二舰队投诚而成为人民海军的"延安"舰. 照片为在浙海服役时所摄, 可见当时漆的是陆上迷彩.

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