1919 Old Photographs of Shaoguan, Guangdong: The Scenery of Nanhua Temple in Caoxi a Hundred Years ago

Share a group of old photos of Shaoguan, Guangdong in the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China, taken from 1919-1932

Shaoguan, a prefecture level city in Guangdong Province, was called Shaozhou in ancient times. It was named after Shaoshi Mountain, a famous mountain in Danxia. After the name of Shaoshi, it was changed from Donghengzhou to Shaozhou, which was followed in successive dynasties. When Qujiang County was established in the sixth year of Yuanding, Shaoguan was the county seat. Shaoguan was named after Shaoguan in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Three land and water tax offices were set up in Shaoguan today, commonly known as Shaoguan

Now let’s take a look at this group of old photos of Shaoguan

Nanhua Temple is located at the bank of Caoxi, 7 kilometers southeast of Maba Town, Qujiang District, Shaoguan City, Guangdong Province, about 24 kilometers south of Shaoguan City. Nanhua Temple is one of the famous Buddhist temples in China. It is the sixth ancestor of Zen Buddhism, Huineng; Southern Zen” The birthplace of

图片[1]-1919 Old Photographs of Shaoguan, Guangdong: The Scenery of Nanhua Temple in Caoxi a Hundred Years ago-China Archive



图片[2]-1919 Old Photographs of Shaoguan, Guangdong: The Scenery of Nanhua Temple in Caoxi a Hundred Years ago-China Archive


图片[3]-1919 Old Photographs of Shaoguan, Guangdong: The Scenery of Nanhua Temple in Caoxi a Hundred Years ago-China Archive

曹溪 南华寺 第一门 门额


图片[4]-1919 Old Photographs of Shaoguan, Guangdong: The Scenery of Nanhua Temple in Caoxi a Hundred Years ago-China Archive

曹溪 南华寺 大雄殿

图片[5]-1919 Old Photographs of Shaoguan, Guangdong: The Scenery of Nanhua Temple in Caoxi a Hundred Years ago-China Archive

曹溪 南华寺 大雄殿 降龙塔阁及塔碑

图片[6]-1919 Old Photographs of Shaoguan, Guangdong: The Scenery of Nanhua Temple in Caoxi a Hundred Years ago-China Archive

曹溪 南华寺 降龙塔阁

图片[7]-1919 Old Photographs of Shaoguan, Guangdong: The Scenery of Nanhua Temple in Caoxi a Hundred Years ago-China Archive

曹溪 南华寺 降龙塔阁


图片[8]-1919 Old Photographs of Shaoguan, Guangdong: The Scenery of Nanhua Temple in Caoxi a Hundred Years ago-China Archive

曹溪 南华寺 第二门

图片[9]-1919 Old Photographs of Shaoguan, Guangdong: The Scenery of Nanhua Temple in Caoxi a Hundred Years ago-China Archive

曹溪 南华寺 第二门


图片[10]-1919 Old Photographs of Shaoguan, Guangdong: The Scenery of Nanhua Temple in Caoxi a Hundred Years ago-China Archive

曹溪 南华寺 憨山大师真身像龛

图片[11]-1919 Old Photographs of Shaoguan, Guangdong: The Scenery of Nanhua Temple in Caoxi a Hundred Years ago-China Archive

曹溪 南华寺 憨山大师真身像龛内的真身像

图片[12]-1919 Old Photographs of Shaoguan, Guangdong: The Scenery of Nanhua Temple in Caoxi a Hundred Years ago-China Archive

曹溪 南华寺 憨山大师真身像



图片[13]-1919 Old Photographs of Shaoguan, Guangdong: The Scenery of Nanhua Temple in Caoxi a Hundred Years ago-China Archive

曹溪 南华寺 六祖殿

图片[14]-1919 Old Photographs of Shaoguan, Guangdong: The Scenery of Nanhua Temple in Caoxi a Hundred Years ago-China Archive

曹溪 南华寺 六祖真身像

图片[15]-1919 Old Photographs of Shaoguan, Guangdong: The Scenery of Nanhua Temple in Caoxi a Hundred Years ago-China Archive

曹溪 南华寺 六祖真身像

图片[16]-1919 Old Photographs of Shaoguan, Guangdong: The Scenery of Nanhua Temple in Caoxi a Hundred Years ago-China Archive

曹溪 南华寺 六祖像碑

图片[17]-1919 Old Photographs of Shaoguan, Guangdong: The Scenery of Nanhua Temple in Caoxi a Hundred Years ago-China Archive

曹溪 南华寺 六祖像碑 拓本

图片[18]-1919 Old Photographs of Shaoguan, Guangdong: The Scenery of Nanhua Temple in Caoxi a Hundred Years ago-China Archive

曹溪 南华寺 六祖坛经法宝序碑 拓本

图片[19]-1919 Old Photographs of Shaoguan, Guangdong: The Scenery of Nanhua Temple in Caoxi a Hundred Years ago-China Archive

曹溪 南华寺 六祖传%法袈裟纹样

图片[20]-1919 Old Photographs of Shaoguan, Guangdong: The Scenery of Nanhua Temple in Caoxi a Hundred Years ago-China Archive

曹溪 南华寺 丹田禅师肉身像

图片[21]-1919 Old Photographs of Shaoguan, Guangdong: The Scenery of Nanhua Temple in Caoxi a Hundred Years ago-China Archive

曹溪 南华寺 罗汉门

图片[22]-1919 Old Photographs of Shaoguan, Guangdong: The Scenery of Nanhua Temple in Caoxi a Hundred Years ago-China Archive

曹溪 南华寺 五祖殿及八角五层六祖塔

图片[23]-1919 Old Photographs of Shaoguan, Guangdong: The Scenery of Nanhua Temple in Caoxi a Hundred Years ago-China Archive

曹溪 南华寺 卓锡泉(1919年摄)

图片[24]-1919 Old Photographs of Shaoguan, Guangdong: The Scenery of Nanhua Temple in Caoxi a Hundred Years ago-China Archive

曹溪 南华寺 卓锡泉(1932年摄)

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