Old photos of Fuzhou in 1900 Group photos of Manchu officials and children in Fuzhou

Share a group of old photos of Fuzhou in 1900. This group mainly took photos of Manchu officials in Fuzhou at that time and several local children in Fuzhou

In the past, there were few children’s group photos, especially this group. The picture was taken by the church staff in Fuzhou at that time and handed down. It is currently collected in the University of California, USA

图片[1]-Old photos of Fuzhou in 1900 Group photos of Manchu officials and children in Fuzhou-China Archive

影像背面有“1900    美国人与满洲官员   福州城内”字样。得知该影像摄于1900年,是福州城内的满族官员与美国卫理公会传教士合影。


图片[2]-Old photos of Fuzhou in 1900 Group photos of Manchu officials and children in Fuzhou-China Archive


以下照片主要是1900年 福州当地的少年儿童照:

图片[3]-Old photos of Fuzhou in 1900 Group photos of Manchu officials and children in Fuzhou-China Archive

图片[4]-Old photos of Fuzhou in 1900 Group photos of Manchu officials and children in Fuzhou-China Archive

图片[5]-Old photos of Fuzhou in 1900 Group photos of Manchu officials and children in Fuzhou-China Archive

图片[6]-Old photos of Fuzhou in 1900 Group photos of Manchu officials and children in Fuzhou-China Archive

图片[7]-Old photos of Fuzhou in 1900 Group photos of Manchu officials and children in Fuzhou-China Archive

图片[8]-Old photos of Fuzhou in 1900 Group photos of Manchu officials and children in Fuzhou-China Archive

图片[9]-Old photos of Fuzhou in 1900 Group photos of Manchu officials and children in Fuzhou-China Archive


图片[10]-Old photos of Fuzhou in 1900 Group photos of Manchu officials and children in Fuzhou-China Archive


图片[11]-Old photos of Fuzhou in 1900 Group photos of Manchu officials and children in Fuzhou-China Archive

图片[12]-Old photos of Fuzhou in 1900 Group photos of Manchu officials and children in Fuzhou-China Archive


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