The old photos of Tongxin County, Ningxia in 1936, typical images of northwest dry tableland and villages

Share a group of old photos of Tongxin County, Ningxia in 1936 to see the typical northwest dry tableland and villages at that time

Desolate, remote, lonely and boundless, the whole picture gives people an indescribable sense of sadness and depression

Claude Pickens (1900-1985), the photographer of this group of photos, was an American priest. She, together with other missionaries in 1936, made an investigation and study of Northwest China, Tibet and Inner Mongolia

During this period, he took a lot of photos, recording the living conditions of people in northwest China at that time, and also leaving us the customs along the way

Tongxin County is located in the south central part of Ningxia, under the jurisdiction of Wuzhong City. It borders Yanchi County and Huanxian County of Qingyang City, Gansu Province in the east, Yuanzhou District of Guyuan City in the south, Shapotou District, Zhongning County and Haiyuan County of Zhongwei City in the west, and Hongsipu District of Wuzhong City in the north. It is located on the loess plateau in the south of the Ordos platform, with the terrain high in the south and low in the north, 1240-2625 meters above sea level. It is a hilly and gully area. There are five types of landforms, including mountains, loess hills, river valleys, beaches, and desert walls. The terrain is complex, and mountains and rivers crisscross. There are Luoshan Mountain, Mibo Mountain, Madashan Mountain, Laoye Mountain, Qinglong Mountain and Yaoshan Mountain, all of which belong to the Liupan Mountain system





同心县位于宁夏中南部, 隶属吴忠市管辖。地理东与盐池县、甘肃庆阳市环县接壤,南与固原市原州区毗连,西与中卫市沙坡头区、中宁县、海原县为邻,北与吴忠市红寺堡区交界,地处鄂尔多斯台地南部黄土高原,地势呈南高北低之势,海拔1240-2625米,属丘陵沟壑区。地貌类型主要有山脉、黄土丘陵、河谷滩地、沙漠垣地等五种,地形复杂,山川纵横交错分布。境内有罗山、米钵山、马大山、老爷山、青龙山、窑山等,均属六盘山系。

图片[1]-The old photos of Tongxin County, Ningxia in 1936, typical images of northwest dry tableland and villages-China Archive


图片[2]-The old photos of Tongxin County, Ningxia in 1936, typical images of northwest dry tableland and villages-China Archive


图片[3]-The old photos of Tongxin County, Ningxia in 1936, typical images of northwest dry tableland and villages-China Archive


图片[4]-The old photos of Tongxin County, Ningxia in 1936, typical images of northwest dry tableland and villages-China Archive


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