Old photos of Harbin in 1920s, Dahe Hotel, Sun Island, Central Street

Share a group of old photos of Harbin from 1920 to 1930, showing the style and features of Harbin Dahe Hotel, Sun Island, Central Street, etc. a hundred years ago

This group of photos are postcards issued by Japanese in the same year

图片[1]-Old photos of Harbin in 1920s, Dahe Hotel, Sun Island, Central Street-China Archive

哈尔滨 霁虹桥

图片[2]-Old photos of Harbin in 1920s, Dahe Hotel, Sun Island, Central Street-China Archive


图片[3]-Old photos of Harbin in 1920s, Dahe Hotel, Sun Island, Central Street-China Archive

哈尔滨 大和宾馆

图片[4]-Old photos of Harbin in 1920s, Dahe Hotel, Sun Island, Central Street-China Archive

哈尔滨 繁华的支&那街:傅家甸

图片[5]-Old photos of Harbin in 1920s, Dahe Hotel, Sun Island, Central Street-China Archive

哈尔滨 圣索菲亚大教堂

图片[6]-Old photos of Harbin in 1920s, Dahe Hotel, Sun Island, Central Street-China Archive

哈尔滨  松花江太阳岛游泳场休憩所

图片[7]-Old photos of Harbin in 1920s, Dahe Hotel, Sun Island, Central Street-China Archive

哈尔滨  新城大街(尚志大街)

图片[8]-Old photos of Harbin in 1920s, Dahe Hotel, Sun Island, Central Street-China Archive

哈尔滨  中央大街

图片[9]-Old photos of Harbin in 1920s, Dahe Hotel, Sun Island, Central Street-China Archive

哈尔滨  中央寺院。近处为手风琴一样的哈尔滨国际饭店

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