Old photos of Beijing in the winter of 1933

Share a group of old photos of Beijing in the winter of 1933. This group of photos was taken by Elaine&Middleot; Photographed by He Bonuo

Elena· Helene Hoppenot (1894-1990), a Frenchman who likes singing, was originally named Delacour. In 1917, he worked with French diplomat Henry· Henri Hoppenot (1891-1977) married and changed his husband’s surname. His husband Henry served as French Ambassador Paul· Paul Claudel (1868-1955) went to Switzerland and Brazil after marriage. Paul worked in the French Embassy in China from 1895 to 1909. During that time, he went to Shanghai, Fuzhou, Tianjin and other places. He loved China very much. Influenced by Paul, Elaine yearns for China very much. In 1933, his husband Henry received a job appointment from the French Embassy in China. The Herbenors and their daughter Violena arrived in Beijing on November 11 of that year. Ilena was very excited about Beijing in winter, which prompted her to pick up the camera and record the China in her eyes, with a Chinese name“ Elaine”. In 1937, Henry was transferred back to France, and Elaine left China

At present, the editor has collected 18 old photos she took at that time. The preview is as follows:

图片[1]-Old photos of Beijing in the winter of 1933-China Archive

图片[2]-Old photos of Beijing in the winter of 1933-China Archive

图片[3]-Old photos of Beijing in the winter of 1933-China Archive

图片[4]-Old photos of Beijing in the winter of 1933-China Archive

图片[5]-Old photos of Beijing in the winter of 1933-China Archive

图片[6]-Old photos of Beijing in the winter of 1933-China Archive

图片[7]-Old photos of Beijing in the winter of 1933-China Archive

图片[8]-Old photos of Beijing in the winter of 1933-China Archive

图片[9]-Old photos of Beijing in the winter of 1933-China Archive

图片[10]-Old photos of Beijing in the winter of 1933-China Archive

图片[11]-Old photos of Beijing in the winter of 1933-China Archive

图片[12]-Old photos of Beijing in the winter of 1933-China Archive

图片[13]-Old photos of Beijing in the winter of 1933-China Archive

图片[14]-Old photos of Beijing in the winter of 1933-China Archive

图片[15]-Old photos of Beijing in the winter of 1933-China Archive

图片[16]-Old photos of Beijing in the winter of 1933-China Archive

1933年北京 京西妙峰山庙会

图片[17]-Old photos of Beijing in the winter of 1933-China Archive

1933年北京 庞村镇水牛

图片[18]-Old photos of Beijing in the winter of 1933-China Archive

1933年北京 走街串巷去贩卖白菜的商贩

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