Old photos of Beijing in 1937 The image of Peiping before Japanese occupation

This is a group of recorded images of Beijing City before the July 7th Incident in 1937. The photographer is Joseph&Middleot; R· Mihalik

At that time, Joseph (Joseph) R. Michalik, who was serving as an American diplomat in China, took a lot of photos in Beijing. He also used cameras to record the images of Beijing before and after the Japanese troops entered Beijing after the July 7th Incident in the U.S. military barracks. He has previously released relevant photos, see http://www.laozhaopian5.com/minguo/1651.html

Beijing was calm and peaceful before the July 7th Incident. Welcome to the following photos:

图片[1]-Old photos of Beijing in 1937 The image of Peiping before Japanese occupation-China Archive


正阳牌楼明朝正统四年(1439 年)建成时为木结构,6 根立柱均为通天柱(亦为冲天柱),每根立柱各有一对戗柱,每间上有两道额仿,仿间有镂空花板,仿上各以斗拱承楼顶,五楼均为四坡顶,正间额仿间镶“正阳桥”匾额,夹杆石上有石雕小兽。

图片[2]-Old photos of Beijing in 1937 The image of Peiping before Japanese occupation-China Archive


图片[3]-Old photos of Beijing in 1937 The image of Peiping before Japanese occupation-China Archive

图片[4]-Old photos of Beijing in 1937 The image of Peiping before Japanese occupation-China Archive

图片[5]-Old photos of Beijing in 1937 The image of Peiping before Japanese occupation-China Archive

图片[6]-Old photos of Beijing in 1937 The image of Peiping before Japanese occupation-China Archive

图片[7]-Old photos of Beijing in 1937 The image of Peiping before Japanese occupation-China Archive

图片[8]-Old photos of Beijing in 1937 The image of Peiping before Japanese occupation-China Archive

图片[9]-Old photos of Beijing in 1937 The image of Peiping before Japanese occupation-China Archive

图片[10]-Old photos of Beijing in 1937 The image of Peiping before Japanese occupation-China Archive

图片[11]-Old photos of Beijing in 1937 The image of Peiping before Japanese occupation-China Archive

图片[12]-Old photos of Beijing in 1937 The image of Peiping before Japanese occupation-China Archive

图片[13]-Old photos of Beijing in 1937 The image of Peiping before Japanese occupation-China Archive

图片[14]-Old photos of Beijing in 1937 The image of Peiping before Japanese occupation-China Archive


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