1940 photos of Chongqing people’s life and collective weddings

A group of old photos of Chongqing in 1940 (probably 1940-1942) mainly shows the images of Chongqing 80 years ago, the life of Chongqing people as the companion capital in the Anti Japanese War and a special collective wedding

The photographer of this group is Harrison· Foreman, there are many references about his introduction on this website. At that time, Foreman took a lot of photos in Chongqing, and was lucky to catch a group wedding at that time. It was rare that dozens of couples held a group wedding in front of Sun Yat sen, and the scene was also a rare scene witnessed by a large crowd

图片[1]-1940 photos of Chongqing people’s life and collective weddings-China Archive


图片[2]-1940 photos of Chongqing people’s life and collective weddings-China Archive

图片[3]-1940 photos of Chongqing people’s life and collective weddings-China Archive

图片[4]-1940 photos of Chongqing people’s life and collective weddings-China Archive

抗战时期 重庆当地老百姓

图片[5]-1940 photos of Chongqing people’s life and collective weddings-China Archive

图片[6]-1940 photos of Chongqing people’s life and collective weddings-China Archive

图片[7]-1940 photos of Chongqing people’s life and collective weddings-China Archive

图片[8]-1940 photos of Chongqing people’s life and collective weddings-China Archive

图片[9]-1940 photos of Chongqing people’s life and collective weddings-China Archive


图片[10]-1940 photos of Chongqing people’s life and collective weddings-China Archive

图片[11]-1940 photos of Chongqing people’s life and collective weddings-China Archive


图片[12]-1940 photos of Chongqing people’s life and collective weddings-China Archive


图片[13]-1940 photos of Chongqing people’s life and collective weddings-China Archive

图片[14]-1940 photos of Chongqing people’s life and collective weddings-China Archive

图片[15]-1940 photos of Chongqing people’s life and collective weddings-China Archive


图片[16]-1940 photos of Chongqing people’s life and collective weddings-China Archive

图片[17]-1940 photos of Chongqing people’s life and collective weddings-China Archive

图片[18]-1940 photos of Chongqing people’s life and collective weddings-China Archive

图片[19]-1940 photos of Chongqing people’s life and collective weddings-China Archive


图片[20]-1940 photos of Chongqing people’s life and collective weddings-China Archive

图片[21]-1940 photos of Chongqing people’s life and collective weddings-China Archive

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