Old photos of Shanghai in 1931 The prosperous Shanghai before the war

The old photos of Shanghai in 1931 are a glimpse of the prosperous Shanghai before the war. This group of photos were taken from the Japanese magazine Yadong Prints from August 1924 to 1944

The issue date of the magazine in which the photos of this group were taken was July 1931, so the photos of this group were taken before July 1931

图片[1]-Old photos of Shanghai in 1931 The prosperous Shanghai before the war-China Archive

繁华的上海港 风貌

图片[2]-Old photos of Shanghai in 1931 The prosperous Shanghai before the war-China Archive


图片[3]-Old photos of Shanghai in 1931 The prosperous Shanghai before the war-China Archive

上海 和平纪念碑

图片[4]-Old photos of Shanghai in 1931 The prosperous Shanghai before the war-China Archive


图片[5]-Old photos of Shanghai in 1931 The prosperous Shanghai before the war-China Archive


图片[6]-Old photos of Shanghai in 1931 The prosperous Shanghai before the war-China Archive

路边的书摊 可以看到书非常多

图片[7]-Old photos of Shanghai in 1931 The prosperous Shanghai before the war-China Archive

上海 虹口

图片[8]-Old photos of Shanghai in 1931 The prosperous Shanghai before the war-China Archive

上海 法国租界

图片[9]-Old photos of Shanghai in 1931 The prosperous Shanghai before the war-China Archive

上海 湖心亭

图片[10]-Old photos of Shanghai in 1931 The prosperous Shanghai before the war-China Archive

上海 青莲阁

青莲阁为上海著名茶楼,清季创设,址在福州路137号(今390- 392)。据考证,其前身为清代上海著名西式茶馆——华众会。该茶楼除设茶室外,又于1880年(清光绪六年)仿西人俱乐部而开设弹子(即桌球)娱乐,为上海最早开设弹子娱乐的茶室之一。清代名妓陆昭蓉即为该茶室招待出身。约二十世纪初,翻建为三层楼房,楼下设有弹子房、影戏室、西洋镜(即拉洋片)、角力器(测试人臂力、体力的一种娱乐性体育锻炼器械)及称体重的磅秤等,二楼和三楼为茶室,吸烟室等,雇佣和允许妓女担当服务员,被称为“洋场胜景”。与萝春阁、松风阁、眠云阁一起,被誉为“海上四大名阁”。约1920年后,因房屋租期期满而迁至湖北路福州路口,由于市口变动,再加上其魄地方娱乐场所增加,市面已不及原先繁荣。约抗日战争爆发后歇业。

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