Picture of Lama’s Sacrificial Ceremony in Labrang Temple, Xiahe, Gansu in 1932

In 1932, the photo of Lama’s sacrificial ceremony in Labrang Temple in Xiahe, Gansu Province was taken. This group of photos came from a Russian website. The source description is“ ТанцыТибетскихлам. 1932”, Dancing Tibetan Lama in 1932

According to the picture description in the article, it should be the Labrang Temple in Xiahe, Gansu

In the following photo descriptions, Russian is the original description, and Chinese characters are the results of machine translation. Please translate them accurately

It should be a live photo of some kind of sacrificial activity

1932年 甘肃夏河拉卜楞寺喇嘛祭祀仪式实拍,本组照片来自俄语网站,源描述“Танцы Тибетских лам. 1932”,大概意思:跳舞的西藏喇嘛 1932年。




图片[1]-Picture of Lama’s Sacrificial Ceremony in Labrang Temple, Xiahe, Gansu in 1932-China Archive

«Танец черных шапок». Представление в монастыре Лабранг  “黑帽子之舞”  拉卜楞寺的介绍

图片[2]-Picture of Lama’s Sacrificial Ceremony in Labrang Temple, Xiahe, Gansu in 1932-China Archive

图片[3]-Picture of Lama’s Sacrificial Ceremony in Labrang Temple, Xiahe, Gansu in 1932-China Archive

Хранитель Вселенной, персонаж «Танца черных шапок»  宇宙的守护者,“黑帽子的舞蹈”的性格

图片[4]-Picture of Lama’s Sacrificial Ceremony in Labrang Temple, Xiahe, Gansu in 1932-China Archive

图片[5]-Picture of Lama’s Sacrificial Ceremony in Labrang Temple, Xiahe, Gansu in 1932-China Archive

图片[6]-Picture of Lama’s Sacrificial Ceremony in Labrang Temple, Xiahe, Gansu in 1932-China Archive

图片[7]-Picture of Lama’s Sacrificial Ceremony in Labrang Temple, Xiahe, Gansu in 1932-China Archive

图片[8]-Picture of Lama’s Sacrificial Ceremony in Labrang Temple, Xiahe, Gansu in 1932-China Archive

«Танец черных шапок» 黑帽子之舞

图片[9]-Picture of Lama’s Sacrificial Ceremony in Labrang Temple, Xiahe, Gansu in 1932-China Archive

图片[10]-Picture of Lama’s Sacrificial Ceremony in Labrang Temple, Xiahe, Gansu in 1932-China Archive

图片[11]-Picture of Lama’s Sacrificial Ceremony in Labrang Temple, Xiahe, Gansu in 1932-China Archive

图片[12]-Picture of Lama’s Sacrificial Ceremony in Labrang Temple, Xiahe, Gansu in 1932-China Archive
图片[13]-Picture of Lama’s Sacrificial Ceremony in Labrang Temple, Xiahe, Gansu in 1932-China Archive
图片[14]-Picture of Lama’s Sacrificial Ceremony in Labrang Temple, Xiahe, Gansu in 1932-China Archive

图片[15]-Picture of Lama’s Sacrificial Ceremony in Labrang Temple, Xiahe, Gansu in 1932-China Archive




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