Historical Materials of Invasion against China: Documentary Postcard of the September 18th Incident Issued by Japan

The old photos in this group are the nine· The fourth episode of the documentary postcard of the Eighth Incident, “Japan China War Manchuria Incident”, can be said to be the real historical data of the invasion of China

Here, the so-called Manchurian Incident in Japan is called Jiu Middot; The Eighth Incident, also known as the Fengtian Incident and the Liutiao Lake Incident. It was the event that the Japanese Kwantung Army stationed in Northeast China suddenly attacked Shenyang on September 18, 1931 and occupied Northeast China by force

This group of postcards shows nine· The scene of the Japanese Kwantung Army’s invasion and occupation of Northeast China during the Eighth Incident shows that the cities in Northeast China were attacked in the north, our soldiers and civilians were captured and even killed, and even the Japanese troops climbed the Great Wall to celebrate

图片[1]-Historical Materials of Invasion against China: Documentary Postcard of the September 18th Incident Issued by Japan-China Archive

《日支交战 满洲事变》第4辑 封面


图片[2]-Historical Materials of Invasion against China: Documentary Postcard of the September 18th Incident Issued by Japan-China Archive

日军炮队在开原 铁岭附近狙击抵抗的东北军

图片[3]-Historical Materials of Invasion against China: Documentary Postcard of the September 18th Incident Issued by Japan-China Archive


图片[4]-Historical Materials of Invasion against China: Documentary Postcard of the September 18th Incident Issued by Japan-China Archive

日军攻占角山附近长城 并欢庆的场面

图片[5]-Historical Materials of Invasion against China: Documentary Postcard of the September 18th Incident Issued by Japan-China Archive


图片[6]-Historical Materials of Invasion against China: Documentary Postcard of the September 18th Incident Issued by Japan-China Archive

进占新民附近 讨伐马贼后的日军


图片[7]-Historical Materials of Invasion against China: Documentary Postcard of the September 18th Incident Issued by Japan-China Archive

日军 机关车

图片[8]-Historical Materials of Invasion against China: Documentary Postcard of the September 18th Incident Issued by Japan-China Archive


图片[9]-Historical Materials of Invasion against China: Documentary Postcard of the September 18th Incident Issued by Japan-China Archive


图片[10]-Historical Materials of Invasion against China: Documentary Postcard of the September 18th Incident Issued by Japan-China Archive


图片[11]-Historical Materials of Invasion against China: Documentary Postcard of the September 18th Incident Issued by Japan-China Archive


图片[12]-Historical Materials of Invasion against China: Documentary Postcard of the September 18th Incident Issued by Japan-China Archive

图片[13]-Historical Materials of Invasion against China: Documentary Postcard of the September 18th Incident Issued by Japan-China Archive


图片[14]-Historical Materials of Invasion against China: Documentary Postcard of the September 18th Incident Issued by Japan-China Archive


图片[15]-Historical Materials of Invasion against China: Documentary Postcard of the September 18th Incident Issued by Japan-China Archive

1932年正月3日9时10分 日军攻破我锦州城,并登上城头欢呼

图片[16]-Historical Materials of Invasion against China: Documentary Postcard of the September 18th Incident Issued by Japan-China Archive

1932年正月3日正午  日军骑兵队进占锦州城

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