Old photos of the scenery inside and outside Chengde Summer Resort in 1933 (Part 1)

This is a group of old photos of the scenery inside and outside Chengde Summer Resort in 1933. Let’s enjoy the beautiful scenery of Chengde 90 years ago. The photos of this group are from the Japanese magazineYadong Prints.

The issue date of the magazine where this group of photos is published is November 1933, so this group of photos was taken before November 1933.

The following is the photo content:

图片[1]-Old photos of the scenery inside and outside Chengde Summer Resort in 1933 (Part 1)-China Archive

承德避暑山庄 万树园

图片[2]-Old photos of the scenery inside and outside Chengde Summer Resort in 1933 (Part 1)-China Archive

承德避暑山庄 热河泉

图片[3]-Old photos of the scenery inside and outside Chengde Summer Resort in 1933 (Part 1)-China Archive

承德避暑山庄 德汇门,建于乾隆十九年。

图片[4]-Old photos of the scenery inside and outside Chengde Summer Resort in 1933 (Part 1)-China Archive

避暑山庄 大行宫

图片[5]-Old photos of the scenery inside and outside Chengde Summer Resort in 1933 (Part 1)-China Archive

避暑山庄 水心榭

图片[6]-Old photos of the scenery inside and outside Chengde Summer Resort in 1933 (Part 1)-China Archive

避暑山庄 珠源寺

图片[7]-Old photos of the scenery inside and outside Chengde Summer Resort in 1933 (Part 1)-China Archive

避暑山庄 永佑寺舍利塔,建于清乾隆十九年(公元1754年)

图片[8]-Old photos of the scenery inside and outside Chengde Summer Resort in 1933 (Part 1)-China Archive

避暑山庄 月色江声,建于清康熙四十二年(公元1703年)

图片[9]-Old photos of the scenery inside and outside Chengde Summer Resort in 1933 (Part 1)-China Archive

避暑山庄 烟雨楼

图片[10]-Old photos of the scenery inside and outside Chengde Summer Resort in 1933 (Part 1)-China Archive



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