The old photos of Beijing in Yanjing Monuments in 1927 (V)

Pekingthe Beautiful It is a collection of Beijing landscape photos edited by photographer Herbert C. White. There are 71 pictures in the book, which were originally black and white or black and white, and were pasted on the inner page of the book after being manually colored and highly imitated. The title is marked at the bottom of each picture. The pictures are surrounded by silk embroidery patterns. This book is introduced by Mr. Hu Shi. It was published by Shanghai Commercial Press in 1927 and collected by the National Library of China

The editor sorted out more than 70 photos in the book and sent them out separately for everyone to read. Due to the large number of photos, diversity is released

SeeThe old photos of Beijing in Yanjing Monuments in 1927 (I)

SeeThe old photos of Beijing in Yanjing Monuments in 1927 (II)

SeeThe old photos of Beijing in Yanjing Monuments in 1927 (III)

SeeThe old photos of Beijing in Yanjing Monuments in 1927 (IV)

This episode is the old photos of Beijing in Yanjing Monuments (V). Welcome to read it. Let’s experience the beauty of Beijing together.

图片[1]-The old photos of Beijing in Yanjing Monuments in 1927 (V)-China Archive

约1927年 北京,颐和园西 全景照

图片[2]-The old photos of Beijing in Yanjing Monuments in 1927 (V)-China Archive

约1927年 北京,清末时期的宦官

图片[3]-The old photos of Beijing in Yanjing Monuments in 1927 (V)-China Archive

约1927年 北京,卧佛寺的卧佛塑像

图片[4]-The old photos of Beijing in Yanjing Monuments in 1927 (V)-China Archive

约1927年 北京,西便门

图片[5]-The old photos of Beijing in Yanjing Monuments in 1927 (V)-China Archive

约1927年 北京,颐和园 铜鹿

图片[6]-The old photos of Beijing in Yanjing Monuments in 1927 (V)-China Archive

约1927年 北京,曾经的国子监

图片[7]-The old photos of Beijing in Yanjing Monuments in 1927 (V)-China Archive

约1927年 北京,瀛台


图片[8]-The old photos of Beijing in Yanjing Monuments in 1927 (V)-China Archive

约1927年 北京,紫禁城 祈年殿

图片[9]-The old photos of Beijing in Yanjing Monuments in 1927 (V)-China Archive

约1927年 北京,从中央公园远眺午门

图片[10]-The old photos of Beijing in Yanjing Monuments in 1927 (V)-China Archive

约1927年 北京,钟楼

图片[11]-The old photos of Beijing in Yanjing Monuments in 1927 (V)-China Archive

约1927年 北京,卧佛寺的大钟

图片[12]-The old photos of Beijing in Yanjing Monuments in 1927 (V)-China Archive

约1927年 北京,颐和园的铜器与石座

图片[13]-The old photos of Beijing in Yanjing Monuments in 1927 (V)-China Archive

约1927年 北京,喇嘛庙的主持

图片[14]-The old photos of Beijing in Yanjing Monuments in 1927 (V)-China Archive


图片[15]-The old photos of Beijing in Yanjing Monuments in 1927 (V)-China Archive

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