Old photos of Dalian in 1937 The former suburban scenery and people’s life

Share a group of old photos of Dalian in 1937 to see the historical features of the suburbs of Dalian 80 years ago during the Republic of China and the life of the people at that time

This group of photos is from the Japanese magazineThe 153th issue of Yadong Prints.

The issue date of the magazine where this group of photos belongs is April 1937, so this group of photos was taken before April 1937.

The following is a preview of this group of photos:

图片[1]-Old photos of Dalian in 1937 The former suburban scenery and people’s life-China Archive

1937年 大连 普兰店貔子窝(今为皮口)附近的盐田,风车汲取着海上灌至盐田,两条铁轨延申至远处。

图片[2]-Old photos of Dalian in 1937 The former suburban scenery and people’s life-China Archive

1937年 大连 貔子窝(今为皮口)地区的海岸,堆积如山的海盐

图片[3]-Old photos of Dalian in 1937 The former suburban scenery and people’s life-China Archive

1937年 大连 一处烧锅酿酒作坊

图片[4]-Old photos of Dalian in 1937 The former suburban scenery and people’s life-China Archive

1937年 大连 一处烧锅酿酒作坊内,工人正在装酒,笑容满面。

图片[5]-Old photos of Dalian in 1937 The former suburban scenery and people’s life-China Archive

1937年 大连 一处乡村晒场,大丰收啊。

图片[6]-Old photos of Dalian in 1937 The former suburban scenery and people’s life-China Archive

1937年 大连 很多妇女正在对花生进行剥壳处理。

图片[7]-Old photos of Dalian in 1937 The former suburban scenery and people’s life-China Archive

1937年 大连 一家羊毛制品厂,女工正在紧张的工作中。

图片[8]-Old photos of Dalian in 1937 The former suburban scenery and people’s life-China Archive

1937年 大连 一家羊毛制品厂,女工正在挑选羊毛中。

图片[9]-Old photos of Dalian in 1937 The former suburban scenery and people’s life-China Archive

1937年 大连 一家羊毛制品厂,女工正在利用羊毛纺线。

图片[10]-Old photos of Dalian in 1937 The former suburban scenery and people’s life-China Archive

1937年 大连 一家羊毛制品厂,女工正在利用羊毛织布中。


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