The 1913 Tai’an Old Photos True Tai’an Color Images 100 Years ago

Share a group of old photos of Tai’an in the early Republic of China. The photos are rare early color photos, which can be said to be the first old color photos of Tai’an in Shandong

The photographer (organizer) of this group of photos is Albert· Kahn. In the 1910s, photographers were hired to take more than 72000 old photos from all over the world, most of which were color photos. They were rare early color photos of the world. Among them, about 750 photos were taken in China, all of which were color photos. These photos can be said to be the first group of color photos in China. The photographer of this group may be Stephen&middot, a French amateur photographer; Passat (1875-1941)

When Passat arrived in China, the Qing Dynasty had just perished, and Yuan Shikai was serving as the temporary president. The situation of the country was not stable. In such an environment, Passat and his assistants have taken pictures in Beijing, Shenyang, Zhangjiakou, Qufu, Tai’an and other places, and most of their works have not been released yet

The editor has only collected 750 photos in total. This episode is about the photos taken in Tai’an

The photo was taken on June 9, 1913, mainly about Tai’an Temple. Tai An’s Tai Temple, also known as the Great Temple, is said to be a place to worship the ancestors of the emperor

1913年泰安老照片 百年前真实泰安彩色影像


1913年泰安老照片 百年前真实泰安彩色影像


1913年泰安老照片 百年前真实泰安彩色影像

1913年泰安老照片 百年前真实泰安彩色影像

1913年泰安老照片 百年前真实泰安彩色影像


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