This group of photos is an old photo of Qingdao in 1938, mainly taking pictures of the street market style and beautiful scenery in Qingdao during the Republic of China. This group of photos is from the 168th edition of Yadong Prints, a Japanese magazine issued between August 1924 and 1944
The issue date of the magazine in which the photos of this group were taken was July 1938, so the photos of this group were taken before July 1938
The preview of this group of photos is as follows:
1938年青岛 俯瞰青岛的壮观城市景象,那两尖尖就是现在著名的拍婚纱圣地——天主教堂。
1938年青岛 轿车云集的山东路
1938年青岛 远望加藤岛,日本占领时期,对面的小青岛被其改名为加藤岛。
1938年青岛 聊城路的景致
1938年青岛 大平路街景,栈桥东边为亨利王子酒店(现栈桥王子酒店)附近 ,现在对比以前没大变样!
1938年青岛 第一海水浴场。
1938年青岛 山炮台
1938年青岛 湛山附近的海湾
1938年青岛 海滨公园的门楼。滨海公园,俗称鲁迅公园,海底世界就位于这里。
1938年青岛 小港