Old photos of Chongqing in 1926 Beautiful landscapes of Chongqing a hundred years ago

This group of photos is an old photo of Chongqing in 1926, mainly taking the beautiful landscape and natural style of Chongqing, a mountain city a hundred years ago. The photo was taken from the 7th issue of the 3rd issue of the Japanese magazine “The Great View of Asia” from August 1924 to 1940

The Great View of Asia was published from 1924 to 1940. It is a collection of photos recording Asian (mainly Chinese) culture compiled by the Great View of Asia (Japan) Photography Society (Dalian), covering landscapes, religions, folk customs, characters, etc. There is a Japanese introduction, photographer, shooting place, time, etc. beside the photoDetailed introduction>>

The issue date of the magazine of this group of photos is December 1926, so this group of photos was taken before December 1926.

图片[1]-Old photos of Chongqing in 1926 Beautiful landscapes of Chongqing a hundred years ago-China Archive

1926年 重庆,著名的南岸朝天门

图片[2]-Old photos of Chongqing in 1926 Beautiful landscapes of Chongqing a hundred years ago-China Archive

1926年 重庆,图中远处即为朝天门

图片[3]-Old photos of Chongqing in 1926 Beautiful landscapes of Chongqing a hundred years ago-China Archive

1926年 重庆,江中停泊的炮艇。

图片[4]-Old photos of Chongqing in 1926 Beautiful landscapes of Chongqing a hundred years ago-China Archive

1926年 重庆,码头载水 吊脚楼

图片[5]-Old photos of Chongqing in 1926 Beautiful landscapes of Chongqing a hundred years ago-China Archive

1926年 重庆,郊区的田野中 伫立着的牌坊,很有可能为佛图关牌。

图片[6]-Old photos of Chongqing in 1926 Beautiful landscapes of Chongqing a hundred years ago-China Archive

1926年 重庆,江津河上的船只

图片[7]-Old photos of Chongqing in 1926 Beautiful landscapes of Chongqing a hundred years ago-China Archive

1926年 重庆,郊区的梯田

图片[8]-Old photos of Chongqing in 1926 Beautiful landscapes of Chongqing a hundred years ago-China Archive

1926年 重庆,江边一位男子,光子膀子,正在制作牛皮

图片[9]-Old photos of Chongqing in 1926 Beautiful landscapes of Chongqing a hundred years ago-China Archive

1926年 重庆,河边屹立的钟鼓楼

图片[10]-Old photos of Chongqing in 1926 Beautiful landscapes of Chongqing a hundred years ago-China Archive

1926年 重庆,河边的巨石 及远处的农家

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