The Shanghai Front, a record of the battle in Songhu issued by Japan in 1937 (I)

This group of old photos is from the Shanghai Front, a series of postcards of the Zhi ^ na Incident published by Japanese Yu Zhaohe in 12 years (1937). It mainly records the scene of the Japanese attack on China during the Songhu Battle, which can be said to be a detailed evidence of the Japanese invasion of China

There are two groups of postcards collected in the Shanghai Front series, 32 in color and 12 in black and white

This is the first 16 color postcards of the Shanghai Front series. Welcome to preview

ps: Each postcard is explained in Japanese, which is basically understandable

图片[1]-The Shanghai Front, a record of the battle in Songhu issued by Japan in 1937 (I)-China Archive

图片[2]-The Shanghai Front, a record of the battle in Songhu issued by Japan in 1937 (I)-China Archive

图片[3]-The Shanghai Front, a record of the battle in Songhu issued by Japan in 1937 (I)-China Archive

图片[4]-The Shanghai Front, a record of the battle in Songhu issued by Japan in 1937 (I)-China Archive

图片[5]-The Shanghai Front, a record of the battle in Songhu issued by Japan in 1937 (I)-China Archive

图片[6]-The Shanghai Front, a record of the battle in Songhu issued by Japan in 1937 (I)-China Archive

图片[7]-The Shanghai Front, a record of the battle in Songhu issued by Japan in 1937 (I)-China Archive

图片[8]-The Shanghai Front, a record of the battle in Songhu issued by Japan in 1937 (I)-China Archive

图片[9]-The Shanghai Front, a record of the battle in Songhu issued by Japan in 1937 (I)-China Archive


图片[10]-The Shanghai Front, a record of the battle in Songhu issued by Japan in 1937 (I)-China Archive

图片[11]-The Shanghai Front, a record of the battle in Songhu issued by Japan in 1937 (I)-China Archive

图片[12]-The Shanghai Front, a record of the battle in Songhu issued by Japan in 1937 (I)-China Archive

图片[13]-The Shanghai Front, a record of the battle in Songhu issued by Japan in 1937 (I)-China Archive

图片[14]-The Shanghai Front, a record of the battle in Songhu issued by Japan in 1937 (I)-China Archive

图片[15]-The Shanghai Front, a record of the battle in Songhu issued by Japan in 1937 (I)-China Archive

图片[16]-The Shanghai Front, a record of the battle in Songhu issued by Japan in 1937 (I)-China Archive

淞沪会战(又称八一三战役、日本称为第二次上海事变) ,是中日双方在抗日战争中的第一场大型会战,也是整个中日战争中进行的规模最大、战斗最惨烈的一场战役。 [在淞沪会战中,中日双方共有约100万军队投入战斗,战役本身持续了三个月,日军投入9个师团30万人,中国军队投入73个师70余万人。 淞沪会战,使日军被迫转移战略主攻方向,粉碎了日本“三个月灭亡中国”的计划。

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