Pictures of Chinese dignitaries and common people from 1868-1870

From 1868 to 1870, the style and features of Chinese dignitaries and common people were photographed by John· Thompson

This group of photos is from a Russian website with the original title《 Китайв 1868-1870- хгодахнаснимкахДжонаТомпсона》, The translation roughly means: 1868-& nbsp; In 1870, in John· China in Thompson’s photo

The Russian language in the following picture annotations is the source annotation, which has not been modified. The Chinese language in the following is the result of Google’s translation, which shows that the translation quality is average

Ask God for an accurate translation

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这组照片来自俄语网站,原文标题《Китай в 1868-1870-х годах на снимках Джона Томпсона》,翻译大概意思为:1868  –  1870年间在约翰·汤普森的照片中的中国。




图片[1]-Pictures of Chinese dignitaries and common people from 1868-1870-China Archive

Ли Хунчжан. Наместник провинций Цзянсу и Аньхой 李鸿章 江苏省和安徽省总督

图片[2]-Pictures of Chinese dignitaries and common people from 1868-1870-China Archive

Жиангсу. Маньчжурский министр Zhiangsu。 满族部长

图片[3]-Pictures of Chinese dignitaries and common people from 1868-1870-China Archive

Кантон. Китайские мандарины  广州 ???

图片[4]-Pictures of Chinese dignitaries and common people from 1868-1870-China Archive

Китайский купец 中国商人

图片[5]-Pictures of Chinese dignitaries and common people from 1868-1870-China Archive

 广州 ???

图片[6]-Pictures of Chinese dignitaries and common people from 1868-1870-China Archive

Кантон. Старуха   广州  妇人

图片[7]-Pictures of Chinese dignitaries and common people from 1868-1870-China Archive

Кантон. Уличные игроки  广州 街头球员? 应该是街头赌博才是吧

图片[8]-Pictures of Chinese dignitaries and common people from 1868-1870-China Archive

Пекин. Маньчжурская невеста 北京。 满族新娘

图片[9]-Pictures of Chinese dignitaries and common people from 1868-1870-China Archive

Гонконг 香港

图片[10]-Pictures of Chinese dignitaries and common people from 1868-1870-China Archive

Макао 澳门

图片[11]-Pictures of Chinese dignitaries and common people from 1868-1870-China Archive

Макао. 1870 澳门1870

图片[12]-Pictures of Chinese dignitaries and common people from 1868-1870-China Archive

Макао. Улица города. 1870 澳门。 这座城市的街道。1870

图片[13]-Pictures of Chinese dignitaries and common people from 1868-1870-China Archive

Пекин. Три китайских министра 北京。 三位中国部长

图片[14]-Pictures of Chinese dignitaries and common people from 1868-1870-China Archive

Пекин. Китайцы за просмотром движущихся картинок 北京。 中国人正在看动人的照片

图片[15]-Pictures of Chinese dignitaries and common people from 1868-1870-China Archive

Пекин. Дом мандарина 北京文华楼

图片[16]-Pictures of Chinese dignitaries and common people from 1868-1870-China Archive

Пау-кеун. Маньчжурский министр 保罗 – 瑾。 满族部长      这翻译的什么鬼?

图片[17]-Pictures of Chinese dignitaries and common people from 1868-1870-China Archive

Ченг Лин. Маньчжурский министр  程琳 满族部长

图片[18]-Pictures of Chinese dignitaries and common people from 1868-1870-China Archive

Тяньцзинь. Руины капеллы Сестер Милосердия. В 1870 здесь были убиты 10 французских монахинь
天津。 慈善姐妹教堂的废墟。 1870年,10名法国修女在这里遇难。

图片[19]-Pictures of Chinese dignitaries and common people from 1868-1870-China Archive

Пекинская обсерватория  北京天文台

图片[20]-Pictures of Chinese dignitaries and common people from 1868-1870-China Archive

Макао. Общий вид. 1870. 澳门 ???  1870

图片[21]-Pictures of Chinese dignitaries and common people from 1868-1870-China Archive

Макао. Общий вид. 1870 澳门 ??? 1870

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