北宋榻絳帖 (一) 冊

Northern Song Dynasty Ta Jiang Tie (1)

  • Image Number:K2D0000042N000000000PAH
  • Dynamy:Neolithic Period
  • Category:Calligraphic model books
  • Author:Anonymous; Dayu; Shi Zhou; Zhongni; Li Si; Xianchao Na; Cang Jie; Cui Yuan; Zhang Zhi; Zhang Heng; Cheng Miao; Deng&amp# 38
  • Form:Volume (folded)
  • Exhibition dimension:28.3×16.9
  • Description:. Three stones were found in the Northern Song Dynasty, and people named them after the gods they worshipped. There are no original stones, which are copied from the Song Dynasty’s “Jiang Tie”, “Ru Tie” and other collection of engraved clusters of posts. This exhibition shows the “Wu Xianwen” collected in “Jiang Tie” The original stone of Wu Xianwen was found in Fengxiang during Jiayou’s reign in the Northern Song Dynasty, and the content of the existing copy has been changed. Since this work is rarely recorded before the Northern Song Dynasty, some critics have always suspected that it is a forgery of later generations. However, from the perspective of calligraphy style, it is similar to the appearance of stone drum script, showing the characteristics of calligraphy style in the process of development from Jin script to small seal script

北宋榻絳帖 (一) 冊
图片[2]-北宋榻絳帖 (一) 冊-China Archive
图片[3]-北宋榻絳帖 (一) 冊-China Archive
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