Dish with yellow glaze, Hsuan-te reign (1426-1435), Ming dynasty

Dish with yellow glaze, Hsuan-te reign (1426-1435), Ming dynasty

  • Image Number: K1B012233N000000000PAB
  • Dynasty: Ming dynasty
  • Category: Ceramics
  • Function: Container
  • Material: Minerals/Ceramics/
  • Description:
    Yellow glaze plate, wide mouth, shallow arc wall, slightly concave insole, short circle foot, flat cut sole exposing white fetus. The white glaze is exposed at the bottom, and the color is green. The inner part of the outer bottom is engraved with two lines and double circles of regular script “made in Xuande Year of the Ming Dynasty”. This exhibition piece was originally fired into white porcelain at high temperature, covered with iron oxide as colored glaze, and then fired into yellow glaze at low temperature twice. In Xuande period, the yellow glaze was applied by pouring glaze. There were many uneven spots on the glaze surface, which was called “pouring yellow”; The yellow glaze is bright and delicate, which also has the reputation of “delicate yellow”. There are many scratches on the surface of the yellow glaze, leaving traces of use at that time. Yellow glazed porcelain is a wonderful work with the most royal temperament in the Ming Dynasty. According to the Ming History · Public Service in the 24th year of Hongwu (1391) of the Ming Dynasty, “official clothes and curtains are not allowed to use black, yellow and purple”. The Records of the Emperor Yingzong of the Ming Dynasty (1446), the 11th year of the orthodoxy, once again stated: “It is forbidden to make yellow and purple privately in Raozhou Prefecture, Jiangxi Province.”

明 宣德窯 嬌黃盤

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