Vase with “One Hundred deer” in wucai painted enamels, Ming dynasty, Wanli reign, 1573-1620

Vase with “One Hundred deer” in wucai painted enamels, Ming dynasty, Wanli reign, 1573-1620

  • Image Number: K1B012030N000000000PAB
  • Dynasty: Ming dynasty
  • Category: Ceramics
  • Function: Container
  • Material: Mineral/ceramic/porcelain
  • Description:
    A hundred deer respect the lips, slightly extravagant, short straight neck, gently curved shoulders, large abdomen, slightly inward, flat bottom. The mouth is decorated with two green lines, and the neck is decorated with broken branches, flowers and peach patterns. The shoulders are painted with blue and white cloud patterns, and are decorated with ribbon patterns in brown and green. The main pattern in the center is between rocks, grass, trees and clouds, which is full of 89 colorful deer. Near the sole of the foot and decorated with patterns of or for the land, red and green contrast, lively. The bottom of the jar is exposed. It is only glazed in the central depression, and is presented in regular script of the blue and white book “Ming Dynasty Wanli Year System”.

明 萬曆 五彩百鹿尊
图片[2]-Vase with “One Hundred deer” in wucai painted enamels, Ming dynasty, Wanli reign, 1573-1620-China Archive
图片[3]-Vase with “One Hundred deer” in wucai painted enamels, Ming dynasty, Wanli reign, 1573-1620-China Archive
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