Gourd-shaped flask with paired belt-shaped handles and patterns decoration in underglaze blue, Ming dynasty, Xuande reign (1426-1435)

Gourd-shaped flask with paired belt-shaped handles and patterns decoration in underglaze blue, Ming dynasty, Xuande reign (1426-1435)

  • Image Number: K1B012454N000000000PAE
  • Dynasty: Ming dynasty
  • Category: Ceramics
  • Function: Container
  • Material: Minerals/Ceramics/
  • Description:
    It looks like a gourd, with a short neck and two ears, a flat round abdomen, a flat bottom, and rectangular feet. Draw two green lines along the mouth, turn the branches and flowers around the neck of the upper section, and add two green lines on the top and bottom respectively. Both sides of the lower abdomen are decorated with deformed lotus flower patterns, one pattern in the center, one flower and leaf pattern around, four green lines, and the deformed lotus border decorations on both sides are slightly different, one is three petals, one is five petals. The roots of both ears are in the shape of a leaf, each drawing a branch of peony, with two green lines around, and two green lines under the ears and around the feet. The green color is rich and colorful, with brown and green defects. The white glaze is lake green, especially at the gathering place. The feet are exposed, and the ground is firm and delicate. The words “made in Xuande Year of the Ming Dynasty” are printed in regular script in blue and white on the bottom of the mouth.

明 宣德 青花圖案花紋葫蘆形綬帶耳扁壺
图片[2]-Gourd-shaped flask with paired belt-shaped handles and patterns decoration in underglaze blue, Ming dynasty, Xuande reign (1426-1435)-China Archive
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