Jar with four-knots in sweet-white glaze, Ming dynasty, Yongle reign (1403-1424)

Jar with four-knots in sweet-white glaze, Ming dynasty, Yongle reign (1403-1424)

  • Image Number: K1B011334N000000000PAC
  • Dynasty: Ming dynasty
  • Category: Ceramics
  • Function: Container
  • Material: Minerals/Ceramics/
  • Description:
    The white porcelain pot has a straight mouth, a short neck and a round shoulder. Four small annular lugs are equidistant distributed on the shoulders. The wall is deep, gradually converging downward, flat bottom, and concave feet. White glaze is applied to the whole vessel, and the body is exposed only at the foot landing place. The outer wall is plain and without lines, and obvious joint marks can be seen. The straight mouth of the jar, the ring shaped ears and the foot shaping method of concave feet have the characteristics of Yongle porcelain.

明 永樂 甜白四繫罐
图片[2]-Jar with four-knots in sweet-white glaze, Ming dynasty, Yongle reign (1403-1424)-China Archive
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