Lidded jar with clouds and dragons decoration in overglaze yellow on a red ground, Ming dynasty, Jiajing reign (1522-1566)

Lidded jar with clouds and dragons decoration in overglaze yellow on a red ground, Ming dynasty, Jiajing reign (1522-1566)

  • Image Number: K1B006090N000000000PAB
  • Dynasty: Ming dynasty
  • Category: Ceramics
  • Function: Container
  • Material: Mineral/ceramic/porcelain
  • Description:
    Red rehmannia color ware is a new variety created in Jiajing. It was first fired into white glazed ware at high temperature, and then applied yellow glaze. After firing into yellow glazed ware at a low temperature of 900 degrees, it was painted with alum red color as the ground, exposing yellow decorative memory blocks, and then painted with black color, and baked at low temperature twice. That is to say, although red is the ground color, it is applied later than yellow glaze.

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图片[2]-Lidded jar with clouds and dragons decoration in overglaze yellow on a red ground, Ming dynasty, Jiajing reign (1522-1566)-China Archive
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