Teacup in sweet white glaze with impressed fungus decoration, Yung-lo reign (1403-1424), Ming dynasty

Teacup in sweet white glaze with impressed fungus decoration, Yung-lo reign (1403-1424), Ming dynasty

  • Image Number: K1B003350N000000000PAB
  • Dynasty: Ming dynasty
  • Category: Ceramics
  • Function: Container
  • Material: Mineral/ceramic/porcelain
  • Description:
    The utensil is an eight petal rhombic flower, with slightly closed mouth, shallow wall, flat bottom and short circle feet. The outer wall mouth is lined with light dark flowers and twigs. The center of the instrument is a broken branch camellia with double circles. The outer wall is decorated with four branches of ganoderma lucidum, and five lines are added between the mouth and foot. The whole body is covered with sweet white glaze, the glaze color is plump, the thick part is slightly green, and the bubbles in the glaze are dense. The foot sole is unglazed and orange, the fetal bone is even thick, and the fetal texture is fine.

明 永樂 無款 甜白暗花菱花式茶鍾
图片[2]-Teacup in sweet white glaze with impressed fungus decoration, Yung-lo reign (1403-1424), Ming dynasty-China Archive
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