paper 3655 results 18页
receipt BM-2005-1111.376-China Archive

receipt BM-2005-1111.376

Period:Unknown Production date:1897 Materials:paper Technique: Dimensions:Height: 103 millimetres Width: 129 millimetres Description: Memorandum of receipt of coins. IMG Comments:
receipt BM-1980-0305.6-China Archive

receipt BM-1980-0305.6

Period:Unknown Production date:1945 ((Date on note given as 34th year of the Republic of China)) Materials:paper Technique: Description: Receipt, received as small change at Billie...
receipt BM-2001-1203.36-China Archive

receipt BM-2001-1203.36

Period:Unknown Production date:2001 Materials:paper Technique:printed Dimensions:Length: 125 millimetres Width: 71 millimetres Description: Printed receipt, annotated by hand, from...
rattle BM-As1896-0319.2-China Archive

rattle BM-As1896-0319.2

Period:Unknown Production date:Late 19th century Materials:bamboo, paper, clay, Technique: Dimensions:Height: 2.80 centimetres Weight: 27 grammes Width: 12.70 centimetres Depth: 6 ...
ration ticket BM-2014-4034.1-China Archive

ration ticket BM-2014-4034.1

Period:Unknown Production date:1981 Materials:paper Technique:printed Dimensions:Height: 74 millimetres Width: 100 millimetres Description: Block of 4 ration tickets - each ticket ...
ration ticket BM-2014-4034.3-China Archive

ration ticket BM-2014-4034.3

Period:Unknown Production date:1981 Materials:paper Technique:printed Dimensions:Height: 73 millimetres Width: 32 millimetres Description: Ration ticket for 2 shichi of cloth. Prin...
ration ticket BM-2014-4034.2-China Archive

ration ticket BM-2014-4034.2

Period:Unknown Production date:1981 Materials:paper Technique:printed Dimensions:Height: 75 millimetres Width: 28 millimetres Description: Ration ticket - for 5 shichi of cloth. Pr...
ration ticket BM-2014-4004.1-China Archive

ration ticket BM-2014-4004.1

Period:Unknown Production date:1980 (date on coupons) Materials:paper Technique:printed Dimensions:Height: 255 millimetres Width: 78 millimetres Description: Strip of 10 ration cou...
ration ticket BM-2014-4034.4-China Archive

ration ticket BM-2014-4034.4

Period:Unknown Production date:1981 Materials:paper Technique:printed Dimensions:Height: 872 millimetres Width: 29 millimetres Description: Ration ticket for 5 shicun of cloth. Pri...
ration book BM-2008-4055.1-China Archive

ration book BM-2008-4055.1

Period:Unknown Production date:1970 Materials:paper Technique:printed Dimensions:Height: 121 millimetres Width: 85 millimetres Description: Ration book. Ration book for staple food...