model calligraphy 484 results
Fan Zhongyan's two letters in running script-China Archive

Fan Zhongyan’s two letters in running script

[Fan Zhongyan's second letter in running script]The second letter in running script, Song Dynasty, Fan Zhongyan's book, side note, pink paper, 30.5 cm in length, 42 cm in width, ru...
Mi Fu's running script coral sticker-China Archive

Mi Fu’s running script coral sticker

[Mi Fu's running script coral page]The coral page, Northern Song Dynasty, Mi Fu's book, paper, running script, 26.6 cm in length and 47.1 cm in widthInterpretation: Zhang Sengyou, ...
Wu Rui's official script on morality-China Archive

Wu Rui’s official script on morality

[Wu Rui's official script moral scripture]Laozi's moral scripture volume, Yuan Dynasty, Wu Rui's official script, official script, paper version, 24.8 cm vertical, 400.7 cm horizon...
Yang Weizhen's Xingshu Songs in the South of the City-China Archive

Yang Weizhen’s Xingshu Songs in the South of the City

[Yang Weizhen's Xingshu Chengnan Songs]'Chengnan Songs', Yuan, Yang Weizhen's book. Paper book, hand roll, 31.6 cm vertically and 216.6 cm horizontally. Running script, 131 linesTh...
Wang Shouren's Xingshu Iron Boat Song Volume of Tongling Temple-China Archive

Wang Shouren’s Xingshu Iron Boat Song Volume of Tongling Temple

[Wang Shouren's running script Tongling Iron Boat Watching Song Volume]Tongling Iron Boat Watching Song Volume, Ming Dynasty, Wang Shouren's script, paper version, running script, ...
Dong Qichang's Cursive Seven Jue Poetry Axis-China Archive

Dong Qichang’s Cursive Seven Jue Poetry Axis

[Dong Qichang's Cursive Seven Jue Poetry Axis]The Seven Jue Poetry Axis, Ming Dynasty, Dong Qichang's Cursive Script, Jin Jian, Cursive Script, 145.1 cm vertically and 34.7 cm hori...
Lu Shiren's four-body thousand-word volume-China Archive

Lu Shiren’s four-body thousand-word volume

[Lu Shiren's four-body thousand-character volume]The four-body thousand-character volume, Ming Dynasty, Lu Shiren's book, paper book, hand scroll, 26.6 cm in length, 230 cm in widt...
Xie Jin's cursive script is a self-written poem-China Archive

Xie Jin’s cursive script is a self-written poem

[Jiejin cursive script self-written poetry volume]Self-written poetry volume, Ming Dynasty, Jiejin script, paper book, hand scroll, 34.3 cm in length, 472 cm in width, cursive scri...
Wang Chong's cursive scroll-China Archive

Wang Chong’s cursive scroll

[Wang Chong's Cursive Script Poetry Axis]Cursive Script Poetry, Ming Dynasty, Wang Chong's book, paper book, vertical axis, vertical 82 cm, horizontal 28.8 cm, cursive script, 5 li...
Zhang Zhao's regular script scroll of the Temple of Marquis Wu-China Archive

Zhang Zhao’s regular script scroll of the Temple of Marquis Wu

[Zhang Zhao's regular script of Wu Hou Shrine]The axis of Wu Hou Shrine, Qing Dynasty, Zhang Zhao shu, paper, regular script, 95.7 cm vertically and 52.3 cm horizontallySignature: ...