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Old photos of Beijing scenic spots in 1935-China Archive

Old photos of Beijing scenic spots in 1935

Old photos of Beijing scenic spots in 1935 东交民巷 前门箭楼 崇文门外大街 哈德门 明耻楼 正阳门大街 北京东车站 西牌楼大街
Old photos of Guilin in the 1930s (2)-China Archive

Old photos of Guilin in the 1930s (2)

Old photos of Guilin in the 1930s (2) 明朝初期,两广与江西、湖南分开。由于广西壮、黎、瑶三个民族反明起义猛烈,明朝皇帝朱元璋采用分而治之的办法,把黎族聚居的海南及广西门户钦、廉州划...
Rare old photos of the real scene of the Eighth Route Army's Anti Japanese War-China Archive

Rare old photos of the real scene of the Eighth Route Army’s Anti Japanese War

A group of rare old photos of the real scene of the Eighth Route Army's War of Resistance Against Japan were submitted八路军抗战真实场景罕见老照片一组送上。 1938年10月,晋察冀八路...
Old photos: 1946 photos of Beijing's scenic spots-China Archive

Old photos: 1946 photos of Beijing’s scenic spots

Old photos: 1946 photos of Beijing scenic spots, do you know where it is老照片:1946年的北京风景名胜照片,你认识是什么地方吗?
The Sino Japanese War: Lushunkou Fall (5)-China Archive

The Sino Japanese War: Lushunkou Fall (5)

This post is a real war photo taken by Japanese army reporters in the same year. It mainly reflects the battlefield situation of Lushunkou captured by Japan in the Sino Japanese Wa...
True old photos of Chinese people smoking opium in the late Qing Dynasty-China Archive

True old photos of Chinese people smoking opium in the late Qing Dynasty

China was once the country most harmed by drugs. In history, there has never been a commodity that has brought the Chinese nation a serious disaster like opium. Through a group of ...
Old photos of Baotou in 1937-China Archive

Old photos of Baotou in 1937

Share a group of old photos of Inner Mongolia in 1937 to see the internal and external features of Baotou during the Republic of China This group of photos is from the Japanese mag...
An old photo of Gansu in 1925 A hundred years ago, the style and features of Zhuoni Huangyuan in Dangchang, Lanzhou-China Archive

An old photo of Gansu in 1925 A hundred years ago, the style and features of Zhuoni Huangyuan in Dangchang, Lanzhou

Today, I would like to share with you a group of old photos of Gansu in 1925, taken by Joseph· Locke Joseph· Born in Vienna on January 13, 1884, Rock (Joseph Francis ...
Old photos of Sichuan in 1929-China Archive

Old photos of Sichuan in 1929

Old photos of Sichuan in 1929, photographed by Arnold· Heim1929年 四川各地老照片,摄影:阿诺德·海姆 重庆朝天门,位于重庆市渝中区渝中半岛的嘉陵江与长江交汇处,是重庆以...
Portraits of late Qing Dynasty, rare old color high-definition photos (Part 1)-China Archive

Portraits of late Qing Dynasty, rare old color high-definition photos (Part 1)

Portraits of late Qing Dynasty, rare color high-definition old photosThis group of old photos of Qing Dynasty portraits is Feng&middleot, a painter and photographer born in Aus...