Republic of China 998 results 11页
What was China like during the Republic of China?
Old photos of Tianjin concession in 1930s-China Archive

Old photos of Tianjin concession in 1930s

Old photos of Tianjin concession in 1930s1930年代 天津租界老照片 天津意租界始设于1902年。界址为:东北自意中交界路(今兴隆街)沿京山铁路至俄租界,南沿波格拉尼路(今五经路)与俄租界...
Old photos of Beijing in 1917 (II)-China Archive

Old photos of Beijing in 1917 (II)

Old photos of Beijing in 1917 (I)  Old photos of Beijing in 1917 (II)1917年 北京老照片(一)  1917年 北京老照片(二)   1917年 北京老照片(二):晨钟...
1932 Old photos of Shanhaiguan, Qinhuangdao, Hebei-China Archive

1932 Old photos of Shanhaiguan, Qinhuangdao, Hebei

1932 Old photos of Shanhaiguan, Qinhuangdao, Hebei; Manchu Mongolian Prints Association” It was published in Dalian from September 1924 to 1944. There are 15 series in total....
Old photo: Shanghai during the Anti Japanese War-China Archive

Old photo: Shanghai during the Anti Japanese War

​&# 8203; January 28, 1932, shocked the world; One· 28 Events” The Japanese army attacked Shanghai ​​1932年1月28日,震惊世界的“一·二...
Live photos of Songhu Battle Battlefield in Shanghai in 1937-China Archive

Live photos of Songhu Battle Battlefield in Shanghai in 1937

The live photos of Songhu battle field in Shanghai in 1937The Battle of Songhu started on August 13, 1937. After the Lugouqiao Incident, Chiang Kai shek took the initiative to figh...
An old documentary photo of the 1937 invasion of China: China under the iron hoofs of the Japanese army-China Archive

An old documentary photo of the 1937 invasion of China: China under the iron hoofs of the Japanese army

Documentary old photos of the Japanese invasion of China in 1937: China under the iron hoofs of the JapaneseThe following old photos reflect the overall Japanese invasion of China ...
Old photo: Chinese under Japanese bayonet-China Archive

Old photo: Chinese under Japanese bayonet

Old photo: Chinese under Japanese bayonet 抗日战争时期,日军对中国人民烧杀抢掠,无数手无寸铁的平民百姓遭到了日军的残忍杀害,3500余万中国军民伤亡。日军的残忍是令人发指的,这组老照片...
From enlistment to burial - 10 old photos recording the whole journey of Japanese invaders from enlistment to being killed-China Archive

From enlistment to burial – 10 old photos recording the whole journey of Japanese invaders from enlistment to being killed

这一组照片的主角是一个叫小山太郎的日军少尉,他参加过侵华战争,这10张照片记录了他从入伍到被八路军击毙全过程。图为出征前欢送仪式上的小山太郎,这一年他34岁。 不久后,他所在的部队来到...
U.S. Navy Heavy Cruiser Watching the Battle of Songhu in August 1937-China Archive

U.S. Navy Heavy Cruiser Watching the Battle of Songhu in August 1937

U.S. Navy Heavy Cruiser Watching the Battle of Songhu in August 19371937年8月旁观淞沪会战的美国海军重巡洋舰 美国海军奥古斯塔号重巡洋舰(CA 31),北安普顿级6号舰(也是最后一艘),在...
Old photo: The worst battle in Songhu in the Anti Japanese War-China Archive

Old photo: The worst battle in Songhu in the Anti Japanese War

The Songhu Battle (also known as the August 13 Battle or the Shanghai Battle; Japan called it the Second Shanghai Incident) broke out on August 13, 1937, which was the first large-...