Neolithic Period 367 results 9页
Chinese archives of events in the Neolithic Period.
axe-adze(?) BM-OA+.3882-China Archive

axe-adze(?) BM-OA+.3882

Period:Neolithic Period Materials:stone Technique: Dimensions:Length: 10.60 centimetres Width: 3.70 centimetres Description: Adze. Made of stone. IMG Comments:
ring BM-1945-1017.104-China Archive

ring BM-1945-1017.104

Period:Neolithic Period Production date:2000BC-1050BC Materials:jade Technique: Dimensions:Diameter: 11 centimetres Description: Coloured ring. Made of ivory-coloured jade. IMG Com...
Jade yue axe, late Dawenkou to early Longshan culture-China Archive

Jade yue axe, late Dawenkou to early Longshan culture

Jade yue axe, Late Dawenkou to early Longshan cultureImage Number:>Description:This piece of amphibole is mainly actinolite by Raman spectroscopy. It is not seriously stained, ...
blade BM-MAS.654-China Archive

blade BM-MAS.654

Period:Neolithic Period Materials:jasper Technique:flaked Dimensions:Height: 4.30 centimetres Description: Oblong blade made of jasper. One side is flat while the other has two rib...
Jade Cong tube, Neolithic period, Qijia system (2200-1600 BCE)-China Archive

Jade Cong tube, Neolithic period, Qijia system (2200-1600 BCE)

Jade Cong tube, Neolithic period, Qijia system (2200-1600 BCE)/span>Mineral/jade jewelry/jadeDescription:bluish grey jade with ochre spots. It was originally a jade cong, round ...
Jade tiger, Post-Shijiahe culture-China Archive

Jade tiger, Post-Shijiahe culture

Japan tiger, Post Shijiahe cultureImage Number: li>Description:Light turquoise curved jade slice, carved into the side of a tiger, The tiger's head is more realistic, and its bo...
Jade yue axe, Shandong Longshan culture-China Archive

Jade yue axe, Shandong Longshan culture

Jade yue axis, Shandong Longshan cultureImage Number:K1C002106N000000000PADDynamic:Neolithic PeriodCategory:JadeFunction:WeaponMaterial:Mineral/jade jewelry/jadeDescription:Fine op...
Jade cong tube, Longshan-Qijia system (2200-1700 BCE)-China Archive

Jade cong tube, Longshan-Qijia system (2200-1700 BCE)

Jades cong tube, Longshan Qijia system (2200-1700 BCE)Image Number:/JadeDescription:dark grey green sapphire, It is densely covered with black algal filament inclusion sedimentary ...
axe BM-1937-0416.16-China Archive

axe BM-1937-0416.16

Period:Neolithic Period Materials:jade Technique: Dimensions:Height: 15.50 centimetres Description: Axe. A straight groove on one side. Made of jade (green.brown). IMG Comments:The...
Silkworm Cocoon from Xiying Village, Neolithic period-China Archive

Silkworm Cocoon from Xiying Village, Neolithic period

Silkworm Cocoon from Xiying Village, Neolithic periodImage Number:C1D000024N000000000PABDynamic:Neolithic PeriodCategory:Miscellaneous objectsFunction:Other functionsMaterial:Anima...