Gall-bladder-shaped vase with floral scrolls in underglaze blue, Ming dynasty, Jiajing reign (1522-1566)

Gall-bladder-shaped vase with floral scrolls in underglaze blue, Ming dynasty, Jiajing reign (1522-1566)

  • Image Number: K1B004918N000000000PAB
  • Dynasty: Ming dynasty
  • Category: Ceramics
  • Function: Container
  • Material: Minerals/Ceramics/
  • Description:
    All of them have narrow lips, short neck, big belly, and short legs. They are commonly called Yuhuchun. The neck is painted with two layers of tangled lotus and one layer of banana leaves. The abdomen is painted with tangled peony flowers, and the upper and lower parts are decorated with flower patterns for two weeks. Embossed foot print. The whole body is decorated with eight green lines. The blue and white book “made in Jiajing year of the Ming Dynasty” is printed on the bottom in six regular script with double circles.

嘉靖款 青花錐把瓶
图片[2]-Gall-bladder-shaped vase with floral scrolls in underglaze blue, Ming dynasty, Jiajing reign (1522-1566)-China Archive
图片[3]-Gall-bladder-shaped vase with floral scrolls in underglaze blue, Ming dynasty, Jiajing reign (1522-1566)-China Archive
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