White porcelain figure of the Twin Immortals of Union and Harmony, Ming to Qing dynasty, 17th-18th century.

White porcelain figure of the Twin Immortals of Union and Harmony, Ming to Qing dynasty, 17th-18th century.

  • Image Number: K1B002804N000000000PAD
  • Dynasty: Ming dynasty
  • Category: Ceramics
  • Function: furnishings
  • Material: Minerals/Ceramics/
  • Description:
    The white porcelain statue of He Er Xian is based on the story of two eminent monks, Han Shan and Shi De, in the Tang Dynasty. It is said that the two monks not only made close friends with each other, but also were able to accept the disappointments in human affairs accidents and created a philosophy of reconciliation and tolerance. As the deeds were deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, they became the theme of expressing auspiciousness and birthday greetings since the Yuan and Ming dynasties (14th to 16th centuries). Here, the two immortals walked side by side with a smile on their faces, one holding a lotus leaf and one holding a treasure box. The clothes were simple, but the cuffs and clothes still used fine wrinkles to convey the lively image of the two immortals. The white glaze is applied to the whole vessel, and the glaze surface is slightly bluish, showing a grayish yellow color. The sole of the foot is unglazed, sticky with a little burnt soil stains, and the middle protruding fine line reveals the molding process characteristics of this product. Because one of the immortals held the treasure

十七世紀至十八世紀  白瓷和合二仙
图片[2]-White porcelain figure of the Twin Immortals of Union and Harmony, Ming to Qing dynasty, 17th-18th century.-China Archive
图片[3]-White porcelain figure of the Twin Immortals of Union and Harmony, Ming to Qing dynasty, 17th-18th century.-China Archive
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