Swallow in Flight, Harbinger of Spring

Swallow in Flight, Harbinger of Spring

  • Image Number: K2C000075N000000002PAA
  • Dynasty: Ming dynasty
  • Category: uncategorized
  • Form: 冊(摺裝‧方幅式)
  • Description:
    This is the second picture of “Kesi Flowers Book”. On the rocks of the slope bank, tea and tea are in full bloom. A swallow seems to smell the fragrance of flowers. Its structure is not very reasonable and its shape is primitive. The texture of this frame is neat and beautiful. The shape of the tea tree is beautiful. The tea flowers are woven with pink threads. The color of the petals varies greatly. The carver then uses red lines to sketch the outline of the carvings, which makes the camellia more beautiful. The flower stamens are carved and woven in yellow, and the leaves use yellow, green and light green to change the direction of yin and yang. The craftsmanship is skilled, showing the green and glossy texture of the flowers and leaves.

刻絲花卉 冊 飛燕迎春

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