Boite a couvercle, porcelaine bleu et blanc, Dynastie des Ming, epoque Wanli (1573-1620)

Boite a couvercle, porcelaine bleu et blanc, Dynastie des Ming, epoque Wanli (1573-1620)

  • Image Number: K1B012639N000000000PAB
  • Dynasty: Ming dynasty
  • Category: Ceramics
  • Function: Container
  • Material: Mineral/ceramic/porcelain
  • Description:
    Porcelain box is one of the popular shapes of Wanli official kiln, such as character story box, sea dragon pattern box, etc., which has repeatedly appeared in the firing items of Wanli official kiln. This square box shaped imitation gold and silver ware is divided into a cover and a body, and it is pushed in a straight line at the corner to form the shape of a flap. The whole vessel is painted with complex patterns made of cobalt material. In the diamond shaped double line light on the cover, there are two dragons playing together. The light is covered with embroidered ball patterns. Birds, flowers and fruits, lake stones are painted on four sides, and ganoderma lucidum patterns are painted on four corners. The decorative pattern on the four sides of the body is the same as that on the cover. The blue and white regular script on the bottom is “made in Wanli year of the Ming Dynasty”, in six character regular script. According to (Jiangxi Dazhi), in the middle of Jiajing, the Huiqing paid tribute from abroad had been used up. From then on, the green material for painting blue and white flowers was changed to the Bitang green produced in Leping, Jiangxi, and later the Shiziqing produced in Ruizhou was also used. Green material

明 萬曆 青花龍紋方盒

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