Lantern Festival

Lantern Festival

  • Image Number: K2A001285N000000001PAB
  • Dynasty: Ming dynasty
  • Category: uncategorized
  • Author: Wu Bin;吳彬
  • Form: 冊(推蓬裝‧方幅式)
  • Exhibition dimension: 29.4×69.8
  • Description:
    This volume describes the twelve wonders of the year. Under the title of the seal script, there is a seal of Wu Bin. In the early stage, six paintings were exhibited, including the New Year’s Eve, the swing, the silkworm market, the Bathing Buddha, the Dragon Boat Festival and the Summer Festival. The scenery in the painting is exquisite and vivid. The shape of the mountain forest is unique and the color is elegant, showing a delicate and delicate state. With the theme of time sequence activities, landscape construction mostly depicts Jiangnan landscape. For example, there are city walls, gatehouses and Aoshan lights in the night view of the Yuan Dynasty, which are closely related to the city view of Nanjing. Another example is the bathing of Buddha in temples and the placing of ice in houses, which also echo the life stories of Ming people. The painting pays attention to the long-term configuration, highlighting the vast landscape, and has the characteristics of both the month and the year and the beautiful scenery.

明吳彬歲華紀勝圖 冊 元夜

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