Zhi wine vessel of Shi, Early Western Zhou Dynasty

Zhi wine vessel of Shi, Early Western Zhou dynasty

  • Image Number:K1A002,423N000,000,000PAD
  • Dynasty:Western Zhou Dynasty
  • Category:Bronzes
  • Function:Container
  • Material:Mineral/metal/copper
  • Description:, The feet are turned outward, and the platform is raised near the bottom. High relief animal face patterns are decorated under the mouth and the belly of the utensil, reverse Kui patterns are decorated on both sides, and opposite Kui patterns are decorated on the neck and the feet. The features of the decorative pattern and the high circle feet can also be seen in the “Sub site Zhi” (M160:126) unearthed in Guojiazhuang of Yin Ruins in Anyang and the “Shoufu Xin Zhi” unearthed in Daijiawan, Baoji, Shaanxi. The inscription is on the inner wall of the utensil. The bronzes with inscriptions of this family name are scattered in the tombs of Zhengzhou, Henan, and Surabaya, Shandong, as well as the Qianzhang Cemetery in Shandong. The Palace of the Qing Dynasty is equipped with wooden seats. The table top seal script reads “Qianlong Imperial Appreciation”, and the bottom seal script reads “Zhou Shi Zhi”. In addition, the yellow label of the Qing Palace “Heart Cultivation Hall” “Five Yuan Thirty Six” was posted

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图片[2]-Zhi wine vessel of Shi, Early Western Zhou Dynasty-China Archive
图片[3]-Zhi wine vessel of Shi, Early Western Zhou Dynasty-China Archive
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