Five-Character Archaic Verse

Five-Character Archaic Verse

  • Image Number: K2B000131N000000000PAA
  • Dynasty: Ming dynasty
  • Category: Calligraphic works
  • Author: Lü Jian;婁堅
  • Form:
  • Description:
    Lou Jian (1567-1631 AD), with the word Zirou, was born in Jiading (now Shanghai). At the end of the Ming Dynasty, Cheng Jiasui, Tang Shisheng and Li Liufang were famous for their poetry, calligraphy and painting, and they were known as the “Four Masters of Jiading”. The regular script of ICBC is good at calligraphy and is wonderful. In his early years, Lou Jian learned from Zhong You and Wang Xizhi. Later, he learned from Su Shi. Only then did he realize that the ancients learned how to use a pen. This running script five character ancient poem was written in the 39th year of Wanli, Emperor Shenzong of the Ming Dynasty (1611). The strokes are mellow and sometimes handsome. The influence of Su Shi and Mi Fu can be seen between the lines.

明婁堅書五言古詩 卷

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