Two Pines and a Flying Cascade

Two Pines and a Flying Cascade

  • Image Number: K2A000469N000000000PAA
  • Dynasty: Ming dynasty
  • Category: Paintings
  • Author: 唐寅
  • Form:
  • Exhibition dimension: 136.3×30.3
  • Description:
    The distant mountains and peaks are densely overlapping, and the scholars sitting on the cross legged mat near the stream and water enjoy the beautiful scenery. The boy comes with a book. The rock surface is full of twisted and crisscrossed linen and lotus leaf chaps. The yin and yang surfaces are separated by light ink. The moss points are dyed layer by layer, and the pen is delicate. High and low pine trees have a posture, tall and straight and beautiful; The leaves of plantain are dyed with anthocyanin and ochre, which is quaint and simple. Tang Yin knew Shen Zhou and Wen Zhengming when he was young, and his style was also influenced by them. It is speculated that Tang Yin wrote this fine landscape painting before he was 29 years old.

明唐寅雙松飛瀑圖 軸

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