Meiping vase with lotus blossoms in underglaze blue, Ming dynasty, Yongle reign, 1403-1424

Meiping vase with lotus blossoms in underglaze blue, Ming dynasty, Yongle reign, 1403-1424

  • Image Number: K1B011180N000000000PAB
  • Dynasty: Ming dynasty
  • Category: Ceramics
  • Function: Container
  • Material: Minerals/Ceramics/
  • Description:
    Plum bottle with round shoulder lip, flat bottom and exposed tire, without cap. There is no grain on the mouth. The body is divided into three memory blocks by four double blue lines from the shoulder to the bottom, namely, curly grass, lotus and polygonum, and six crocus lotus patterns equidistant near the bottom; Blue and white has a light hair color, and the whole device has thin pieces. There is also a Plum Vase with White Lotus Pattern in Yongle (hence porcelain 17756) in our institute. The decoration is in intaglio, and the composition is the same as this work. There are many works of the same style handed down from generation to generation, and the Ardebil Shrine in Iran has five pieces of music. It can be seen that this kind of plum vase is very popular in the Middle East.

明 永樂 青花蓮花梅瓶
图片[2]-Meiping vase with lotus blossoms in underglaze blue, Ming dynasty, Yongle reign, 1403-1424-China Archive
图片[3]-Meiping vase with lotus blossoms in underglaze blue, Ming dynasty, Yongle reign, 1403-1424-China Archive
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