Covered jar with underglaze-blue decoration of fungus scrolls, Hsuan-te reign (1426-1435), Ming dynasty

Covered jar with underglaze-blue decoration of fungus scrolls, Hsuan-te reign (1426-1435), Ming dynasty

  • Image Number: C1B004970N000000000PAB
  • Dynasty: Ming dynasty
  • Category: Ceramics
  • Function: Container
  • Material: Mineral/ceramic/porcelain
  • Description:
    Round mouth, short straight neck, plump shoulders, large abdomen, till the bottom is slightly closed, and the bottom is double stepped, flat. The main pattern on the belly of the utensil is the ganoderma lucidum pattern. The upper and lower parts of the utensil are painted around a typical Xuandeyang compound lotus petal, and the mouth and bottom edges are decorated with three green lines. The lid button is in the shape of a lotus bud, and its surface is decorated with lotus petal patterns. The celadon glaze is thick, with brown and green defects. The cover button is especially obvious, and the glaze bubbles are sparse and bright. The bottom foot is exposed without glaze, and the texture is firm and delicate, with iron spots. The blue and white script on the bottom of the vessel, “Made in Xuande Year of the Ming Dynasty”, is in regular script with six characters and two circles.

明 宣德 青花轉枝靈芝紋小蓋罐
图片[2]-Covered jar with underglaze-blue decoration of fungus scrolls, Hsuan-te reign (1426-1435), Ming dynasty-China Archive
图片[3]-Covered jar with underglaze-blue decoration of fungus scrolls, Hsuan-te reign (1426-1435), Ming dynasty-China Archive
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