Three footed ivory white t’ung-shaped incense burner with K’uei-dragon decor, Te-hua ware, Ming dynasty

Three footed ivory white t’ung-shaped incense burner with K’uei-dragon decor, Te-hua ware, Ming dynasty

  • Image Number: K1B012280N000000000PAD
  • Dynasty: Ming dynasty
  • Category: Ceramics
  • Function: Incense set
  • Material: Mineral/ceramic/porcelain
  • Description:
    The utensil is in the shape of a short tube, with square edges at the mouth and three Ruyi cloud head feet at the bottom. The bottom of the utensil is raised, while the inner bottom is punctured; It can be seen from the fine spiral pattern on the inner bottom that this phenomenon was produced when the blank was made. The outer wall of the utensil has regular convex edges, and there is no obvious spiral mark on the outer wall. On the contrary, there is a slight spiral mark on the inner wall. From the straight short tube shape, this tubular tripod furnace should be formed by using a simple car blank. Tyre thickness is heavy. In addition to the inner and outer bottoms, the whole vessel is covered with opalescent opaque glaze. The outer wall is embossed with patterns between the two edges. The palindrome in Yin script is used as the place, and the Kui dragon pattern in six shallow reliefs is used. A wooden cover with a jade top is attached. The white jade is carved into ganoderma lucidum.

明 德化窯 牙白夔紋筒式三足爐

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