Porcelain cup with a scene of birds perched in fruiting trees in underglaze blue, Chenghua reign (1465-1487), Ming dynasty

Porcelain cup with a scene of birds perched in fruiting trees in underglaze blue, Chenghua reign (1465-1487), Ming dynasty

  • Image Number: K1B005200N000000000PAB
  • Dynasty: Ming dynasty
  • Category: Ceramics
  • Function: Container
  • Material: Mineral/ceramic/porcelain
  • Description:
    A cup with a long mouth, with a slight arc at the bottom of the deep wall. The outer wall is decorated with underglaze cobalt blue. The outer wall is painted with two flowers and fruits, each with a bird, and filled with light gray glaze, which is as elegant as unfinished products without color. Each mouth and foot is decorated with two green threads. The inner surface is pure white without decoration. The blue and white book “Ming Dynasty Chenghua Year” is printed on the bottom in six regular script, with two side frames.

明 成化 青花花鳥紋杯

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