Dish with unederglaze-blue decoration of clouds and two phoenixes among flowers, Hsuan-te reign (1426-1435), Ming dynasty

Dish with unederglaze-blue decoration of clouds and two phoenixes among flowers, Hsuan-te reign (1426-1435), Ming dynasty

  • Image Number: K1B016677N000000000PAC
  • Dynasty: Ming dynasty
  • Category: Ceramics
  • Function: Furnisher
  • Material: Mineral/ceramic/porcelain
  • Description:
    Skim mouth, shallow arc wall, short circle foot. The lips are painted in a circle of grass patterns. Three cloud patterns of the finished shape are arranged in the center of the plate, with double circles. Double dragon patterns are printed on the white glaze of the inner wall, and the patterns are light and vague. On the outer wall, a pair of phoenix are painted, flying through the rotating branches of lotus, and six green lines are added along the mouth and feet. The glaze color is dark green with gray, brown green crystal defects appear in the deep, and the white glaze on the inner wall is slightly thick and bluish, so the blue and white flowers appear faint and scattered. The fetal bone is thin, hard and white. On the outsole, the blue and white book “Made in Xuande Year of the Ming Dynasty” is in regular script with two lines and six characters, plus double circles. The shape system and outer wall decoration of this utensil are the same as those of Plate IV, except that the disc center is different.

明 宣德 青花穿花雙鳳雲紋盤

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