Free-copy of Calligraphy by the Four Calligraphic Masters of the Sung Dynasty

Free-copy of Calligraphy by the Four Calligraphic Masters of the Sung Dynasty

  • Image Number: C2B000022N000000000PAL
  • Dynasty: Ming dynasty
  • Category: Calligraphic works
  • Author: 董其昌
  • Form:
  • Exhibition dimension: 26x 544.4
  • Description:
    Among the four Song schools, Dong Qichang liked to learn from Mi Fu, and his style of writing and brushwork were the most similar, followed by Su Shi. As for Cai Xiang and Huang Tingjian, they were not his preferences. However, based on the spirit of extensive learning, he still dabbled in all the four schools. This volume was completed one month before his death. Even in his later years, he never stopped learning from the ancients, which shows the importance of copywriting in his book. Although this volume is called the four calligraphers in the Song Dynasty, it still adheres to the concept of copying without seeking spiritual resemblance. Even though there are some differences between the punctuation and the original work, the four calligraphers can understand the charm of the four calligraphers, and their strokes have reached a natural and plain state.

明董其昌臨宋四家書 卷

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