Fishermen Returning on a Frosty Bank

Fishermen Returning on a Frosty Bank

  • Image Number: K2A000254N000000000PAA
  • Dynasty: Yuan dynasty
  • Category: Paintings
  • Author: Tang Di;唐棣
  • Form:
  • Exhibition dimension: 144×89.7
  • Description:
    Tang Di (circa 1287 to 1364 AD) was born in Wuxing, Zhejiang Province. The word Zihua is the night of Dunzhai. He was a beginner of Zhao Mengfu in landscape painting, and later learned from Wei Yan, Li Cheng and Guo Xi, among whom Guo Xi was the most diligent. This painting depicts three fishermen, who are carrying fishnets and fishing gear, walking and talking, and returning with full loads. The crab claw branch used in the painting of close-up arbors and the cloud head chap of the painting of slope stones are inherited from Guo Xi, while the overall layout of Pingyuan method is derived from Li Cheng. On the left side of the picture, it was written to Yuan Wuyin (1338). It was in the prime of Tang’s life, so it was a masterpiece of his life.

Fishermen Returning on a Frosty Bank

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