Authentic Work of Semi-Cursive Script

Authentic Work of Semi-Cursive Script

  • Image Number: K2B000163N000000002PAA
  • Dynasty: Yuan dynasty
  • Category: Calligraphic works
  • Author: Xianyu Shu;鮮于樞
  • Form: 冊(摺裝)
  • Description:
    Xianyushu (1257-1302 A.D.) was born in Yuyang (now Beijing), with the name of Boji. He is good at poetry and music, and can identify calligraphy, painting and ancient artifacts. During the Zhiyuan era, Zhejiang was an official of Zhejiang Province. In the sixth year of Dade’s reign, he served as the Taichang Book, and died in the year. The running regular script has obtained the vigorous brushwork of Jin and Tang Dynasties, and the cursive script has learned from Huai Su. Zhao Mengfu once said, “Boji’s cursive script is too far away to catch up with.” The strokes are bold, round and powerful, making them turn vertically and horizontally. The strokes are not urgent, and they have the strong spirit of northerners. This is three Zhaoyang Songs written by Liu Changqing, a Tang Dynasty native, sending Zhu as a farewell note, and Gao Shi’s poem written at midnight.

元鮮于樞行草真蹟 冊 02

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