Gu wine beaker with animal mask design, late Shang dynasty, c. 13th-11th century BCE

Gu wine beaker with animal mask design, late Shang dynamics, c. 13th-11th century BCE

  • Image Number:K1A002232N000000000PAC
  • Dynasty:Shang dynamics
  • Category:Bronzes
  • Function:Ritual vessel, wine vessel
  • Material:Mineral/metal/bronze
  • Description:
    Large opening, long neck, The middle abdomen is slightly swollen, the ring feet are outward, and the platform is shallow near the bottom. The belly is decorated with animal face patterns, the upper and lower parts are string patterns, and the feet are decorated with Kui patterns. There are two cross shaped holes at the junction of the stomach and foot. The ornamentation of this utensil is similar to the bronze Gu (M72:9) unearthed in Daxinzhuang, Jinan, Shandong Province

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